24 Feb 2012

Lining Up the Planets: A Journey from EWI to LPR

[Ed. Note: Practitioners will want to read this in detail.  Sad to say, few are the lawyers who would have had the vision and tenacity to achieve this outcome.  Hats off to attorney Parsonage!]

"...The Eighth Planet falls into place and the set is complete. The judge signs the order granting permanent resident status and ordering Guillermo's release.  It took almost a year, but the planets lined up for Guillermo (with a little persistent nudging). There were a lot of hurdles, big and small, but they were all surmountable in the end. There were a lot of people along the way who said we couldn't do what we were doing, from ICE, to immigration attorneys, to Guillermo's jailhouse lawyer buddies and, at least initially, the judge. The day after the hearing, I get a text from Mary asking me to call. Worried that Guillermo's release papers have gotten delayed, I call right back. Guillermo answers, standing outside the gates of the North Georgia Detention Center." - Helen L. Parsonage, Feb. 23, 2012.

Helen L. Parsonage