27 Sep 2017

Judges Ream DOJ Lawyers Over DACA Deadline, Discovery

Adam Klasfeld, Courthouse News, Sept. 26, 2017 - "Furious at the Department of Homeland Security for racing to extinguish an Obama-era program that defers the deportation of qualifying young immigrants, a federal judge slammed their deadline obstinance as “heartless” on Tuesday. “You can’t come in here, into court, to espouse a position which is heartless,” U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis thundered at government attorneys. ... Reminding the attorney that the United States is a democracy operating under a Constitution, Garaufis concluded: “I am just glad that I was born in Paterson, New Jersey, and not Mexico City.”

Emily Saul, New York Post, Sept. 26, 2017 - "“The president has said he will find a solution for all of these ‘wonderful’ people,” Garaufis said icily, referencing a presidential tweet. “What I want to know is, whats’s the hurry?”...“I’m 68-years-old, and I’ve worked in every branch of government, and I’ve never seen a position like this.”"