24 May 2024

Judge Pumps Brakes on Florida Order

FWAF v. Moody, May 23, 2024

"On May 23, 2024, we entered a Supplemental Order on the Scope of the Preliminary Injunction (the “Supplemental Order”) [ECF No. 100]. In that Supplemental Order, we clarified that the preliminary injunction in this case—like the injunction the Eleventh Circuit affirmed in Ga. Latino All. for Hum. Rts. v. Governor of Ga., 691 F.3d 1250, 1267 (11th Cir. 2012)—applies statewide. On further reflection, and given the “national conversation taking place in both the legal academy and the judiciary concerning the propriety of courts using universal injunctions as a matter of preliminary relief,”1 we now invite further briefing on the proper scope of the injunction.  By June 6, 2024, therefore, the parties shall each submit a brief of no more than twenty pages on the question of whether the injunction we entered on May 22, 2024, see order Granting Motion for Preliminary Injunction [ECF No. 99], should apply (1) to the Plaintiffs who’ve established their standing; (2) to all the remaining Plaintiffs; (3) district-wide; or (4) state-wide."

Syra Ortiz Blanes, Ana Ceballos, Miami Herald, May 23, 2024

"Just hours after Judge Roy K. Altman made clear that his injunction issued Wednesday was meant to apply statewide, he issued a separate, conflicting order in which he pondered whether his own ruling from a day earlier was too broad — sparking confusion among immigration attorneys and advocates."