18 Jun 2012

IJ Finds Due Process Violation in Massive 2008 Howard Industries Worksite Raid

Prof. Hiroko Kusuda writes: "On May 24, 2012 the New Orleans Immigration Court issued a decision finding that DHS's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents violated our client's due process rights during the worksite raid in Laurel MS on August 25, 2008.  The raid was reported to be the largest in the US immigration history.  In response, Loyola Law Clinic Immigration Law Section, in coordination with the local pro bono community, conducted "Know Your Rights" immigration law presentations at LaSalle Parish Detention Center and Oakdale Immigration Court for over 500 detained workers.  In addition Loyola Law Clinic advocated for the removal of the ankle bracelets placed on other workers and filed over a dozen suppression motions seeking termination of the removal proceedings based on Constitutional, regulatory and subregulatory violations.   The Court set a hearing in October ordering ICE to show justification of their conduct. Susana Reyes of the Immigration Law Section (Class of 2010) represented the client in the Immigration Court hearing."

Hiroko Kusuda

Assistant Clinic Professor

Loyola New Orleans College of Law

Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic & Center for Social Justice

7214 St. Charles Avenue, Box 902

Physical address:

540 Broadway

New Orleans, LA 70118

Tel  (504) 861-5595
Fax (504) 861-5532