30 Oct 2013

ICE on ACA, Enforcement

"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Pub. L. No. 111-148, 124 Stat. 224, and the Social Security Act (SSA) require that individuals seeking coverage under a qualified health plan offered on a Health Insurance Marketplace or through an insurance affordability program (i.e., premium tax credits, cost sharing reductions, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program, or Basic Health Program) provide information regarding their immigration status and certain information about their household members to determine eligibility for such coverage. 

This memorandum sets forth U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) civil immigration enforcement policy regarding information concerning such individuals and their household members obtained during the eligibility determination process for such coverage. ...

Consistent with the ACA’s, the SSA’s, and implementing regulations’ limitations on the use of information provided by individuals for such coverage, and in line with ICE's operational focus, ICE does not use information about such individuals or members of their household that is obtained for purposes of determining eligibility for such coverage as the basis for pursuing a civil immigration enforcement action against such individuals or members of their household, whether that information is provided by a federal agency to the Department of Homeland Security for purposes of verifying immigration status information or whether the information is provided to ICE by another source." - ICE, Oct. 25, 2013.