03 Aug 2013

Free CLE Webinar August 20th

Muslims Need Not Apply: How USCIS Secretly Mandates the Discriminatory Delay and Denial of Citizenship and Immigration Benefits

"This is an interactive CLE webinar designed for immigration lawyers and practitioners.  It will explain how USCIS’s previously-secret national security program, the “Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program” or “CARRP,” works and provide practitioners with tips for how to handle CARRP cases.  CARRP creates barriers and exclusions to naturalization, green cards, asylum, and visas for statutorily-eligible immigrants, and disproportionately impacts Muslim and perceived-to-be Muslim immigrants.  The webinar will explain how USCIS has subjected so many of these individuals to inordinate delays, extensive investigations, and pretextual denials of their applications under CARRP.

Jennie Pasquarella, ACLU of Southern California
Bardis Vakili, ACLU of Southern California

Paul Chavez, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights

Phoebe Kasdin, One Justice

Tuesday, August 20, 2013
12pm-1pm PST/ 3pm-4pm EST
Approved for 1 Unit of MCLE Credit

Please RSVP at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6502949724260182528

Presented by:
American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area