05 Oct 2014

Exchange Visitor Program: DOS Final Rule with Request for Comments

"With this rulemaking, the Department of State is amending the general rules covering the Exchange Visitor Program that govern the designation of sponsors and the overall administration of the Program. This final rule encompasses technical changes to the general provisions and addresses public diplomacy and foreign policy concerns, including the Department’s ability to monitor sponsors to protect the health, safety and welfare of foreign nationals who come to the United States as exchange visitors. The Department previously published a proposed rule, and, after analyzing the comments received, the Department is promulgating this final rule with request for comment and soliciting comments over a period of 60 days. DATES: Effective Date: This rule is effective January 5, 2015. Applicability date: The insurance amounts listed in 22 CFR 62.14(b)(1)–(4) and the provisions of 22 CFR 62.14(h) will be applicable on May 15, 2015. Comment date: The Department will accept written comments for up to 60 days until December 5, 2014." - Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 193 / Monday, October 6, 2014.