19 Sep 2012

EAJA Fee Victory: Hajro v. Barrett

Kip Evan Steinberg writes: "The federal district court in San Francisco granted $66,764 in fees and costs under EAJA in my contested citizenship case regarding my client Mirsad Hajro.  The government had denied Mr. Hajro’s citizenship application claiming that he had given false testimony regarding his military service in Bosnia at the time he applied for permanent residence in 2000.  Mr. Hajro first filed for citizenship (without an attorney) in 2003.  The case was hard fought but we were ultimately able to show the judge that the government simply had no evidence to support its decision.  The case took several years to litigate including a trial in federal court under 8 USC 1421 (c)  We won every legal issue at every point throughout the case.  Previous cites related to this case are:  2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 57242 (MSJ), 832 F. Supp 2d 1095 (FOIA), and 849 F. Supp. 2d 945 (Natz)."

- Kip Evan Steinberg