12 Feb 2016

Ducati Motocycle Mechanic Not Extraordinary Enough for O-1 Visa: Pellizzari v. Zuchowski

Pellizzari v. Zuchowski, Feb. 8, 2016 - "MM filed a form I-129 petition with USCIS on behalf of Plaintiff, seeking to classify Plaintiff as an O-1 nonimmigrant alien of extraordinary ability to work as a Ducati Master Technician. ... Plaintiff does not claim extraordinary ability in any area of motion picture or television work. Rather, he claims extraordinary ability as a motorcycle mechanic. ... The United States also argues that, as a general matter, Plaintiff’s evidence did not establish that Plaintiff has achieved “demonstrate sustained national or international acclaim,” as required by the Regulation. Indeed, Plaintiff appears to have overlooked this language. ... USCIS did not err in concluding that the evidence did not demonstrate sustained acclaim. ... Defendants have shown that they are entitled to judgment in their favor as a matter of law, and their summary judgment motion will be granted. Judgment on the Complaint in its entirety will be entered in Defendants’ favor."