15 Apr 2015

Dilley Cases Move from Denver to Miami

"the EOIR has announced that immigration cases arising out of the Dilley, Texas, immigration detention facility will no longer be heard by judges from the Denver Immigration Court.  Rather, from here on out, Dilley cases will be reassigned to the Miami Immigration Court.  What's the effect of this move?  Well, Daily Business Review ran an article on the Miami immigration judges back in November.  The article characterized the court as a "crapshoot" where outcomes matter based on the random assignment of a case to a particular judge.  Using TRAC data, the article found asylum denial rates ranged from 44.4% to 99.5%.  Of course, this sort of Refugee Roulette isn't a new issue.  If you haven't yet read it - do get your hands on a copy of the book of the same name by immprofs Jaya Ramji-Nogales, Andrew Schoenholz and Philip Schrag.  As for the Dilley cases, time will tell the real effects of the move." - Kit Johnson, Apr. 15, 2015.