02 Nov 2018

Did the BIA Edit the Attorney General’s Decision in Matter of Castro-Tum? If So, Does it Matter?

Matthew Hoppock, Nov. 2, 2018 - "A series of FOIA requests regarding the Attorney General’s decision in Matter of Castro-Tum seem to have revealed something strange about that decision: it was edited after the Attorney General issued it.

E-mail messages to and from BIA staff on May 17, 2018, the day the Attorney General purportedly issued the decision, now indicate the decision received from the AG was incomplete and that it was edited by the BIA and its staff and then twice re-uploaded on the agency’s website that evening. It was again edited and again re-uploaded the next morning.

The resulting question is whether the version of that decision which is currently posted on the EOIR’s website is really the decision made by the Attorney General. And if it was edited after the AG issued the decision, is it still binding? ... [More...]"