11 Feb 2016

Court Extends Deadline for New Post-Study STEM Work Rules

ICEF, Feb. 5, 2016 - "What comes next, according to immigration attorney David Ware of the immigration law firm Ware Immigration, could be even more interesting. Mr Ware anticipates that the proposed regulatory changes may well lead to further litigation. Since the judge had ruled that the 2008 process rather than the policy was at fault, “if the proposed rule had just parroted the old rule, I don’t think there’d be any or much possibility of new litigation,” he says. “But since the new rule expands OPT, I think we could see some new litigation.” Mr Ware said that many of the comments opposing the new rules were “cut-and-paste comments prompted by postings on anti-immigrant websites. The anti-immigrant folks are really on this.” “The strategy could simply be to obstruct and to delay, to say ‘hey, we know we’re not going to win, but maybe we could delay this happening for two or three more years.’ That’s my fear, that there might be additional litigation.” "