11 Jul 2022

CA9, En Banc: Bastide-Hernandez II (Immigration Court Subject Matter Jurisdiction)

Bastide-Hernandez II

"The United States appeals from the district court’s dismissal of an indictment charging Juan Carlos Bastide-Hernandez with illegal reentry after removal, in violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1326. According to the district court, defects in the notice to appear (“NTA”)—which initiated the immigration proceedings against Bastide-Hernandez resulting in his eventual removal from the United States— deprived the immigration court of subject matter jurisdiction to effect the removal in the first place, thereby rendering the entire immigration proceeding “void ab initio.” Consistent with our own precedent and that of every other circuit to consider this issue, we hold that the failure of an NTA to include time and date information does not deprive the immigration court of subject matter jurisdiction, and thus Bastide-Hernandez’s removal was not “void ab initio,” as the district court determined. We reverse the district court’s dismissal and remand for further proceedings."