13 Mar 2014

CA7: IJs Have U Visa Waiver Authority - L.D.G. v. Holder

"In the absence of a clear indication by Congress to the contrary,  we  find  that  section  1182(d)(14)  and  section 1182(d)(3)(A) waivers can and do coexist, and that the IJ has jurisdiction to grant a waiver of inadmissibility to a U Visa 
applicant under section 1182(d)(3)(A)." - L.D.G. v. Holder, Mar. 12, 2014.  

[Hats way off to Chuck Roth!  Chuck writes: "Many thanks to Gail Pendleton and to Ilyce Shugall, who led an amicus effort!  (And congrats to the pro bono team, led by Megan Thibert-Ind, from McDermott, Will, and Emory which represented LDG together with NIJC). In a nutshell, the Court of Appeals held that 212(d)(3) waiver authority now exists at both DOJ (EOIR) and DHS (USCIS); whereas 212(d)(14) waiver authority is only at DHS.  It does create a bit of an issue - if the IJ grants the waiver one presumably has to go back to USCIS to get them to exercise discretion to grant or deny the U Visa itself – but that’s better than no appeal at all!  And hopefully, in cases where an IJ grants the waiver, VSC will come around…"]