07 Oct 2016

CA6 on EAJA: Sakhawati v. Lynch

Sakhawati v. Lynch, Oct. 7, 2016- "Petitioner Noor Jahan Sakhawati has filed an Application for Attorney Fees under the Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA), 28 U.S.C. § 2412(d). Sakhawati’s counsel, billing at an hourly rate of $190.28, seeks $21,248.37 in attorney fees, legal-assistance fees, and expenses for the 104.85 hours claimed to have been spent on the matter prior to the Application for Attorney Fees. He seeks an additional $1,908.20 for the 10.00 hours claimed to have been spent preparing the Application and responding to the United States’s Opposition. For the reasons set forth below, we grant in part Sakhawati’s Application and award a total of $15,653.76 in attorney fees, legal-assistance fees, and expenses."