20 Mar 2015

BIA on Corroboration, Continuances: Matter of L-A-C-

Official Headnotes:

(1) Where an Immigration Judge finds that an applicant for asylum or withholding of removal has not provided reasonably available corroborating evidence to establish his claim, the Immigration Judge should first consider the applicant’s explanations for the absence of such evidence and, if a continuance is requested, determine
whether there is good cause to continue the proceedings for the applicant to obtain the evidence.

(2) Although an Immigration Judge should consider an applicant’s explanation for the absence of corroborating evidence, section 208(b)(1)(B)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1158(b)(1)(B)(ii) (2012), does not require the Immigration Judge to identify the specific evidence necessary to meet the applicant’s burden of proof and to provide an automatic continuance for the applicant to obtain that evidence prior to rendering a decision on the application.

- Matter of L-A-C-,  26 I&N Dec. 516 (BIA 2015)