01 Jul 2012

Another Arizona Case

"[T]he Court has turned aside a request by Arizona officials to postpone a Ninth Circuit Court ruling striking down an eight-year-old mandate that voters must prove they are U.S. citizens in order to get on the election registration rolls.  (The Justices issued that order on Friday, over the dissent of Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., but the order was overlooked in the excitement over the Court’s health care decision.  The text of the order denying a stay, and eliminating an earlier stay issued by Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, is here.)  State officials in Arizona had asked the Court to allow election aides to demand proof of citizenship before registering any individual to vote.  The Ninth Circuit had ruled in April that the citizenship proof requirement conflicts with a 1993 federal law passed to make it easier for individuals to register to vote — the National Voter Registration Act." - Lyle Denniston, June 29, 2012.