20 May 2015

Advance Copy of DOS Notice of Proposed Private Sector U.S.-Mexico Exchange Visitor Intern Program

"On March 16, 2015, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Evan Ryan and Under Secretary for North American Affairs for the Government of Mexico Sergio Alcocer signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish the U.S.-Mexico Intern Program for four years. This new effort is intended to increase professional and educational opportunities for youth in both countries. The U.S.-Mexico Intern Program advances President Obama’s 100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative. It also supports the goals of the Bilateral Forum on Higher Education, Innovation and Research (FOBESSI), announced by President Obama and Mexico’s President Enrique Peña.

To support this Program, which will be implemented through the Exchange Visitor Program, the Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), Office of Private Sector Exchange (EC) wishes to collaborate with currently designated intern sponsors as well as other interested entities to provide Mexican citizens with internships and practical training in the occupational categories of Management, Business, Commerce and Finance; Public Administration and Law; Information Media and Communications; and The Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics, and Industrial occupations. This type of immersion creates endless benefits for the individual and for understanding between the people of Mexico and the people of the United States.

ECA/EC is prepared to authorize separate designations to current intern sponsors as needed to support the U.S.-Mexico Intern Program. Beginning June 1, the Department intends to provide to currently designated intern sponsors the opportunity to submit designation applications (Form DS-3036) in the occupational fields of Management, Business, Commerce and Finance; Public Administration and Law; Information Media and Communications; and The Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics, and Industrial occupations. The designation will be for a period of two years, after which time the sponsor will be required to submit an application for redesignation per 22 CFR 62.7." - FR Doc. 2015-12333 Filed: 5/20/2015 08:45 am; Publication Date: 5/21/2015.