14 Oct 2016

ABIL, Paparelli Comment on DOJ Proposed Rule

Angelo Paparelli, Oct. 14, 2016 - "Today is the last day to submit comments to the Justice Department on its proposed rule which would modify its immigration-related antidiscrimination regulations, which are enforced by the Office of Special Counsel for Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices (the Special Counsel). The proposal’s fine print reveals that DOJ’s effort is in essence an unlawful power grab that would expand the time for the Special Counsel to file a claim before an Administrative Law Judge from 180 days to five years, strengthen the government’s hand in proving its case, and strip employers of legitimate defenses.  My colleague, Maura Travers, and I drafted a comment which lays out why this grab for power should be stopped.  Today, on behalf of the Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers, I submitted the following ABIL comment without the caption and byline of this post.  Stay tuned for the final rule.  Meantime, see all public comments here.  Comments of the American Immigration Lawyers Association and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are accessible at the preceding links."