24 Mar 2017

AAO on EB-2, 'Degree,' 'Provisional Certificate' - Matter of O-A-, Inc., ID# 84300 (AAO Mar. 15, 2017)(non-precedent)

Matter of O-A-, Inc., ID# 84300 (AAO Mar. 15, 2017) - "The provisional certificate, together with her statement of marks, demonstrates that the Beneficiary completed all the substantive requirements and that the university approved her degree. The final diploma here was simply a delayed formality. We find that the date of issuance of the provisional certificate conferred on the Beneficiary the foreign equivalent of a bachelor's degree. Applying the provisional certificate date, we also find that she obtained at least five years of qualifying post-baccalaureate experience. Accordingly, the Petitioner has established that the Beneficiary meets the minimum education and experience requirements of the labor certification and of EB-2 classification."  (Non-precedent)