21 Apr 2016

AAO Adopted Decision on L-1A Essential Function Manager: Matter of Z-A-, Inc.

Matter of Z-A-, Inc.,  Adopted Decision 2016-02 (AAO Apr. 14, 2016) [1] - (1) While an L-1A function manager may use his or her business expertise to perform some operational or administrative tasks, he or she primarily must manage an essential function. (2) To determine whether a beneficiary’s job duties will be primarily managerial in nature, an adjudicating officer must consider the totality of the record and weigh all relevant factors, including: the nature and scope of the petitioner’s business; the petitioner’s organizational structure, staffing levels, and the beneficiary’s position within the petitioner’s organization; the scope of the beneficiary’s authority; the work performed by other staff within the petitioner’s organization, including whether those employees relieve the beneficiary from performing operational and administrative duties; and any other factors that will contribute to understanding a beneficiary’s actual duties and role in the business. (3) When staffing levels are considered in determining whether an individual will act as a manager, an officer must also take into account relevant evidence in the record concerning the reasonable needs of the organization as a whole, including any related entities within the “qualifying organization,” giving consideration to the organization’s overall purpose and stage of development.

[1] On September 13, 2013, we issued this decision as a non-precedent. We have reopened this decision on our own motion under 8 C.F.R. § 103.5(a)(5)(i) for the purpose of making revisions in preparation for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services designating it as an Adopted Decision.