08 Sep 2015

National and State-by-State Workers' Comp News Powered by Larson's (9/8/2015)

WEDI: Only Half of States Ready for ICD-10 Switch for Work Comp Claim Purposes.

MSP Report Examines Impact of MMSEA Section 111 Reporting Requirements.

New England Governors Urge FDA to Change Opioid Warning Labels.

AK: Uber Agrees to Pay State a Fine for Unpaid Workers Compensation Insurance.

CA: WCIRB: No Amendment to January 1, 2016 Filing.

CA: OAL Approves DWC Revised Benefit Notice Regulations.

CA: Uber Drivers Win Class Certification in Federal District Court Case.

CA: Dept. of Public Health Receives Grant to Improve Safe Prescribing of Opioids.

CA: Northern California Counties Have Highest Opioid Overdoses Statewide.

CA: Governor Trying to Broker Deal With Lawmakers on Regulating Medical Marijuana.

DE: DCRB Submits Dec. 1 Residual Market Rate & Voluntary Market Loss Cost Filing.

FL: Latest OJCC Florida Bar Survey Results Released.

HI: HEMIC Directors Declare $2.75M Dividend.

IL: NCCI: No Advisory Rate and Loss Cost Filing in Illinois for 2016.

MN: Workers Comp Task Force to Meet Sept. 16.

MN: DLI Posts Latest Issue of COMPACT Newsletter.

NE: High Court Affirms Award for Assaulted Hospital Nurse With PTSD.

NH: Governor Urges Board of Medicine to Adopt Stronger Rules to Prevent Opioid Abuse.

NJ: Claim Not Time Barred When No Knowledge of Precise Nature of Medical Condition.

NJ: Transportation Company Contingent Liability for WC Added to Exportable List.

NM: NCCI Recommending 6.2 Percent Cut in Workers Comp Rates.

NY: WCB Posts Latest Hearing Schedule.

OK: NCCI Files Overall Loss Cost Decrease of 14.8 Percent.

OK: WCC Blasted for Letting Businesses Slide for Failure to Carry WC Coverage.

OR: DCBS Reports 19,742 Disabling Claims for Year 2014.

PA: BWC Posts 2014 Annual Report.

RI: Governor Announces Plan to Fight Workplace Fraud, Worker Misclassification.

SC: WCC Posts Reminder About Modified Fee Schedule Eff. Sept. 1.

TX: Dept. of Insurance Posts Legislative Implementation Plan.

TX: ACE Fined $250K by Dept. of Insurance for Workers Comp Violations.

VT: US DOL, VT Labor Dept. Sign Agreement to Fight Worker Misclassification.

VT: Auditor Blasts State Agencies for Inaction on Worker Misclassification.









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