19 Oct 2015

National and State-by-State Workers' Comp News Powered by Larson's (10/19/2015)

 DOL Drafts New Multi-Employer Citation Standard (Franchisor Liability) at OSHA.

GOP Attacks Scope, Transparency of DOL’s Standard for Franchisor Liability at OSHA.

Study Finds 1 in 5 Small Businesses OK With Employee Medical Marijuana Use at Work.

JAMA: Opioid Dependence/Abuse Increased, Non-Medical Use Decreased in 2013.

CDC Study: PDMPs Offer Insights Into Controlled Substance Prescribing Patterns.

Social Security Administration Announces No Cost-of-Living Adjustment for 2016.

NIOSH Launches a Virtual National Center for Productive Aging and Work.

Kaiser Report: Healthcare Deductibles Have Risen 6 Times Faster Than Worker Earnings.

Opinion: Affordable Care Act Fails to Address Physician Practice of Defensive Medicine.

Journalists File Class Action Suit Against Reuters for Alleged Worker Misclassification.

AK: WCB 10/29-10/30 Meeting to Discuss Adoption of Rule Amendments.

CA: Ins. Commissioner Approves New Ridesharing Insurance Option for Lyft Drivers.

CA: WCIRB Classification & Rating Committee Posts Agenda for 10/27 Meeting.

CA: DWC Proposes Home Health Care Fee Schedule Regulations.

CA: DWC Proposes Guidelines for Occupational Asthma, Interstitial Lung Disease.

FL: FLOIR to Conduct Public Hearing Oct. 21 on NCCI Rate Filing.

MA: Governor Files Landmark Substance Use Legislation.

NE: NCCI Explains 1.2% Decrease in Loss Cost Filing.

NE: Employer Fined $963K in Rail Car Cleaning Accident; Largest Fine in State’s History.

NJ: Defense Attorney Explains Role of Medical Expert in Occupational Disease Claims.

NJ: NJCRIB Considering 1/1/2016 Revision of Rates and Manual Amendments.

OH: Senate Panel Approves Police Officer PTSD Bill.

OR: WCD Seeks to Recruit More Work-Requested Medical Exam (WRME) Doctors.

OR: State Labor Commissioner Rules Uber, Lyft Drivers Are Employees.

OR: WCD Posts Corrected Calculator for Permanent Total Disability.

OR: WCD Posts Final Rules for Claim Closure and Reconsideration.

OR: WCD Posts Final Rules for Claims Administration.

OR: WCD Posts Final Rules for Retroactive Program.

OR: WCD Posts Final Rules for Workers Comp Benefits Offset.

PA: BWC Posts Alert for December 2015 WCAISI EDI Enhancements.

RI: Nominating Commission Selects Candidates for Workers’ Comp Court Vacancies.

TX: Travis County D.A. Seeks to Block Release of Records Involving Texas Mutual Deal.

TX: TDI Work Comp Research & Evaluation Group Posts 2016 Research Agenda.

WA: WCAC Provides Details on Financial Status of Industrial Insurance Fund.

WI: WCD to Change Rules for Reporting, VR, Treatment Disputes, Policy Cancellation, Etc.

WI: WCD Proposes New Rule for Audio Recording of Hearings.









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