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27 Sep 2022

LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation Launches Free Tool to Track Changes in U.S. Voting Laws

As the mid-term elections approach, Lexis has launched the U.S. Voting Laws & Legislation Center, a free tool providing access to a comprehensive collection of U.S. voting laws, legislative developments, and news updates on voting laws in all states.

A INITIATIVE SPONSORED BY THE LEXISNEXIS RULE OF LAW FOUNDATION, the Center includes a searchable database of legislation, including proposed, enacted, and failed voting laws; a continuously updated summary of the voting methods and options permitted by law for each state; a tracker with links to bills currently pending in the various state legislatures; and a color-coded map providing a quick view of the number of bills under consideration in each state.

In addition, the Center includes a list of currently pending federal voting legislation along with links to the text of the bills and analysis of their progress and chance of passage.

A breaking news section will feature coverage of the national conversation on voting laws.

The LexisNexis Rule of Law Foundation supports the rule of law around the world by seeking out projects that create meaningful, sustainable change that enhances the key elements of the rule of law. Among other tools supported by the Foundation are the LexisNexis Rule of Law Monitor, which tracks public sentiment on the rule of law in 170 countries and the eyeWitness to Atrocities App, which allows users to document evidence of war crimes using their smartphones.