07 Apr 2023

Two More States Eyeing E-Commerce Delivery Taxes, FL’s ‘Digital Bill of Rights’ Legislation & More

MN, NY Follow CO’s Lead on Taxing E-Commerce Deliveries

In 2021 Colorado passed a transportation funding bill (SB 260) that included a 27-cent charge on food and goods deliveries from companies like Amazon and DoorDash. This year the Minnesota House is considering a transportation budget bill (HB 580) that includes a 75-cent fee on such deliveries. And New York Sen. Andrew Gounardes (D) has proposed a measure (SB 5895) that would impose a 25-cent fee on e-commerce deliveries to addresses located in New York City. (PLURIBUS NEWS, STATE NET)

FL Considering ‘Digital Bill of Rights’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) proposed “digital bill of rights” was embodied in a pair of nearly identical measures (HB 1547 and SB 262) introduced in the state’s House and Senate last month. Like data privacy laws enacted in other states like California, the Florida bills would give consumers more control over their digital footprint and provide online protections for youth, but they would also address conservatives’ concerns about the moderation of content by social media platforms. (PLURIBUS NEWS, STATE NET)

State Lawmakers Look to Strengthen Distracted Driving Laws

Although nearly two-thirds of states have already enacted hands-free driving laws, at least 24 states have introduced distracted driving legislation this year, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Those states include Maine, which is considering a measure (HB 91) that would significantly increase fines for distracted driving, and Illinois, which is weighing a bill (HB 2910) that would make it illegal for someone to drive with a pet in their lap. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released data last week showing that deaths due to distracted driving increased by 12 percent, to 3,522, in 2021. (PLURIBUS NEWS, STATE NET)

FL Grounds Drones Made in China

A rule imposed last week by the administration of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) forbids government agencies from using drones made by China-based Da Jiang Innovations (DJI). The rule is forcing police departments and other agencies to shelve the estimated $200 million worth of DJI drones—the most popular in the world—they’ve purchased over the years. (TAMPA BAY TIMES)

Amazon Kills OR Data Center Emissions Bill

A bill (HB 2816) introduced in Oregon this year aimed at curbing the carbon output of data centers and cryptocurrency miners died in committee last week. Supporters of the proposal attributed its demise largely to aggressive lobbying by Amazon, which operates a number of data centers in the state. Amazon said it opposed the measure because it didn’t address infrastructure development needed to bring more clean energy to the grid. (CNBC, STATE NET)

State, Local Governments Lavishing EV, Chip Makers with Subsidies

In 2022 state and local governments doled out a record $20.4 billion in “megadeal subsidies,” incentive packages over $50 million extended to private companies, according to Good Jobs First, “a national policy resource center that promotes corporate and government accountability in economic development.” Eighteen of those megadeals went to electric vehicle and semiconductor manufacturers. The previous megadeal record, set in 2013, was $17.7 billion. (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

–Compiled by KOREY CLARK

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