25 Jun 2024

Changes Coming to Costly CA Labor Law, Amazon Union Joining Forces with Teamsters & More

CA to Make Changes to Labor Law Costing Employers Billions

Business and labor groups in California have agreed on changes to the Private Attorney’s General Act, a landmark state law that has allowed workers to sue employers for workplace violations amounting to $10 billion over the past decade, according to one study. The changes include limiting penalties for employers that address alleged violations quickly, as well as increasing penalties for employers that act “maliciously, fraudulently or oppressively,” according to a statement from Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D) office. (BLOOMBERG)

Amazon Union Teams Up with Teamsters

The Amazon Labor Union, the only formal union representation for Amazon warehouse workers in the United States, voted to affiliate with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Leaders of both unions said teaming up would help them challenge the online retailer and provide more resources for the ALU. (NEW YORK TIMES)

Amazon Fined $5.9M for Violating CA Labor Law Over 59,000 Times

The California Labor Commissioner’s Office fined Amazon $5.9 million for 59,017 violations of the state’s Warehouse Quotas law at two warehouses in Southern California. The law, which took effect in 2022, requires employers to inform workers of productivity quotas that apply to them and any disciplinary action they might face for failing to meet those quotas. Amazon said it would appeal all of the citations.(CNBC)

—Compiled by SNCJ Managing Editor KOREY CLARK

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