14 Aug 2020

6 Digital Marketing Tips That Lawyers Can Use Today

We live in an increasingly virtual world. Gone are the days of relying exclusively on networking events and personal contacts to obtain clients. Digital marketing for lawyers is more important today than ever, and its value continues to grow. To help capture the momentum of this trend, here’s a list of six legal marketing tips for attorneys ready to pivot from traditional marketing tactics and focus their efforts online.

1. Get Noticed With SEO-Driven Content

A robust search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is the best way for websites to get noticed for free. SEO involves optimizing your website with the goal of ranking in the top search engine results. Search engines like Google™ and Bing® scan different websites to curate results that match the intent of the searcher. To increase your site’s visibility in the search engine results, begin with identifying keywords and phrases relevant to your services. 

A prospective client may not use legal jargon in their search, so be sure to use terminology they would likely be using in their search. Make sure to use these SEO keywords in your online content, such as service pave copy and blog articles. Ubersuggest is a great free tool to get you started. For example, if you’re a personal injury attorney, then potential clients might be searching for something like “how to get money from a car accident.” To have your firm show up in the search results, consider writing an educational blog post that answers the question and invites the user to fill out a form to learn more about your firm’s services.

2. Update Your Website and Make it Mobile-Friendly

To start, if you don’t have a website, you should invest in one immediately. A whopping 14% of law firms don't have a website. A website is one of the most critical tools to amplify your reach and get new clients. We live in an era where if you’re not online, you don’t exist.

Websites, like most other commodities, can become outdated. Often, this is not due to the substantive materials on the page, but because of the growing demand for more comprehensive and user-friendly websites. In order to increase the probability of someone making a conversion on your site (e.g. filling out a form with their contact information), your website needs constant upkeep — or in some cases, a complete makeover. The more detail you can include on your website about your services, the more likely prospective clients will view your firm as an expert in your practice area. Also, make sure your site is mobile compatible, as handheld devices are increasingly used for long-tail searches.

Make sure to divide your website into different pages and tabs for mobile compatibility. Here are our suggestions on pages to include:

  • About Us: Tell your visitors who you are, including your professional credentials. Include information about yourself, your team and your firm’s mission statement. This is often a prospective client’s first impression, so take advantage and don’t be afraid to make it personal, while staying professional.
  • Services: Divide your services into multiple tabs or pages. Include a detailed description of each area of law you practice. For example, if you practice estate law, have a tab on wills, trusts, estate planning and probate representation. Include success stories and hypothetical situations to show visitors that your approach works.
  • Awards & Publications: Showcase your awards and publications. Potential clients want to see that you are accomplished and that your firm has a great reputation. 
  • Testimonials: Request testimonials and reviews from your most valued clients and post them here. Potential clients want to know that you are invested in their experiences and that others have appreciated working with you.
  • Legal Blog: Start a blog about the legal areas you practice. See below for more tips about blogging.
  • Contact: Don’t forget to tell web visitors how they can reach you via email, phone or at your office location. Also include links to your social media. You want to provide as many avenues as possible for your clients to get in touch.

3. Start A Blog — And Keep It Current

Blogs are another great avenue for online marketing for law firms. Blog writing is an investment of time, but the more content you can provide to visitors the more likely they will be to recognize your expertise in the field and ultimately hire you. If you don’t have the time or resources to maintain your blog, you can always hire a professional content writer for this task. There are plenty of websites where legal freelancers offer their services for a reasonable fee.

Make sure your blog language is easy-to-understand and has organic search visibility. Use a mix of legal vocabulary and lay terms that lend legitimacy and make it easy for readers to understand. Don’t just write a blog about anything; write a blog with valuable content. Only include one topic per blog post to increase your chances of ranking in the top position on the search engine results page. Also, be sure to format your writing so that it flows, breaking it into easily-digestible parts. Content can include services, relevant legal news, updates relevant to laws and policies, and takeaways from recent cases or conferences. If you don’t have a legal blog yet, then follow these tips on how to start a blog at your firm.

4. Join an Online Forum

Networking is key to growing a firm. Online forums simultaneously help with this important goal and provide digital marketing for lawyers. There are multiple online forums for different areas of law. Create a profile and engage with other attorneys, potential clients or other types of professionals on forums that suit your practice area. This is especially important if you are a solo practitioner, as referrals and personal contacts are the best form of online marketing for law firms.

5. Use Social Media

Social media profiles are free and an easy way to market your firm. As of this writing, platforms like LinkedIn® and Facebook® are the most common social platforms that attorneys turn to. According to one study, 84% of attorneys use LinkedIn and many considered LinkedIn an effective social media platform for obtaining new clients. Although it’s not the most universal platform, it’s paid capabilities provide specific targeting based on industry and job title, which make it a great tool for lead generation. LinkedIn presents an excellent opportunity for lawyers in a variety of fields to share useful and engaging content, like a timely blog post, with potential clients. Social media posts are also a means of pre-consultation contact with clients, helping them with general legal service questions they may have without requiring direct engagement.

6. Use Strong CTAs

Visitors to your website and social media pages need a call-to-action (CTA). Give your website visitors the opportunity to contact you as soon as they arrive on your site. Even better, give them the option to contact you on every page of your site. This can be done with a different color tab in your main navigation. This makes it straightforward for potential clients to reach out, provide their contact information and give information on their service needed. It also provides you with the opportunity to grow your contact list.

Grow Your Firm’s Online Presence and Increase Your Client Portfolio

Although traditional advertising is still valuable, more and more individuals in the legal profession rely on some form of digital marketing. With the tips above, strong branding and well-invested time, your law firm will stand out from your competitors. Use these six marketing tips to create a robust legal marketing strategy for your firm and connect with potential clients.