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LexisNexis Announces Commercial Preview Program for Nexis+ AI, Providing Generative AI-Powered Corporate Research and Decision Intelligence

By: iCrowdNewswire Program allows corporations to preview and refine Nexis+ AI’s Gen AI capabilities, which deliver trustworthy results, powerful summarization features and faster time to insights New York, NY – April 23, 2024 – LexisNexis ® Legal & Professional , a leading global provider of information and analytics, today announced the commercial preview of Nexis+ AI , new generative AI-powered capabilities designed...

Improve Business Research Using LexisNexis®︎ SmartIndexing Technology™︎

Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data are hot topics in business discourse today as companies are racing to get information faster and more efficiently to stay ahead of their competitors. As such, everyone wants to be a part of this revolution. More than a decade ago, LexisNexis® recognized that filtering through massive amounts of news and company information was a time-killer for information professionals...

How to Use Big Data Analytics in Finance

The finance industry is up against massive challenges as 2023 shapes up to be a tumultuous year for the market. The closure of Silicon Valley Bank signaled another big fall in trust, and businesses are scrambling to make sure that they’re providing security and safety alongside their normal client services. Now more than ever, it’s critical that companies have trustworthy ways of performing their practices, finding...

How to Optimize Your Change Management with Research Workflow Tools

Change management is a crucial, yet daunting, part of a company’s life cycle. Whether it’s in response to exciting growth or disappointing pitfalls, adaptation is often necessary when it comes to moving forward, and the need to adapt is only increasing as the marketplace becomes more unpredictable. Change management is especially important when it comes to research. Research teams are often shifting their day-to-day...


More Time on What Matters Most

The modern workplace has undergone a dramatic transformation in the aftermath of a global pandemic, widespread talent shortages , and the adoption of new technologies. As a result, today’s workers are shouldering more responsibility and larger workloads than ever—and struggling to find enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on their to-do lists. Time is a precious resource for professionals in nearly every...


How to Choose The Right Workflow Technology Tool for Your Company

The workforce has changed a lot over the last few years. Many factors have forced companies to change their old practices: hybrid and long-term remote work options, ongoing recession fears, and inflation are just a few motivators toward large overall shifts. That means optimizing workflow — a process which removes hurdles and streamlines daily work to ultimately lower the cost of operations—is more important than ever...

Research, Simplified. Meet Nexis®︎ Hub

Thorough, efficient research has never been more important than it is today. More organizations and workers are using data to make critical business decisions and optimize nearly every aspect of their work. Meanwhile, misinformation and “fake news” continue to muddy the waters in journalism and the corporate sector. It makes sense, then, that professionals around the globe are invested in finding solutions that can...


Creating an Effective Workflow Process: Tips and Best Practices

Creating a Workflow process is one of the best ways businesses can keep up with the changing landscape of office life. Workflows are being implemented across industries for good reason; according to a study by Gartner , automated workflows increase productivity, reduce errors and lead to overall lower operational costs for businesses. They make employees’ lives simpler and improve the customer service experience by ensuring...

8 Ways to Use Alternative Data to Improve Your Financial and Data Modeling

It’s true. When you gain access to a wealth of clean and accurate alternative data, you can greatly improve your financial modeling and predictive analytics. But before we get into the how , let’s back up a second and define the what . Alternative data is content that’s generated in numerous ways. From sensors that capture geo-location data and satellites that take snapshots of weather patterns to news and social media...

How Misinformation Spreads on Social Media—And How to Combat

Unless you’re making an active effort to disconnect from the 24/7 news cycle then chances are you’ve heard about Elon Musk’s recent Twitter acquisition and his subsequent moves to shake up the company, which has had a major impact in how some people are getting and distributing news. Twitter has been the social media platform of choice for journalists and reporters to “tweet out” and track breaking news and watch real...

How Does Failing Fast in Data Analysis Help Your Projects Flourish?

It’s no secret that finding the right datasets for your analysis creates a huge hurdle when starting new data projects. You have countless sources to choose from, yet even when you think you’ve found the perfect data, your project fails to produce the results you are looking for. This cumbersome process of searching for, importing, and testing data consumes too much time because of the constant need to switch between...

How Can Competitive Intelligence Improve My Business?

The latest tool in the marketing technology arsenal is competitive intelligence (CI) – but what is it? Everyone has their own definition of CI, but essentially it refers to the action of gathering and assessing information about your organization’s external environment and competitors. By collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources, your teams can devise a coordinated CI program. With these insights, you’ll...

People Behind the Product: Nexis®︎ Data Lab

Nexis Data Lab is an exciting first for LexisNexis. Historically a content provider, LexisNexis recognized an opportunity to create something a little different for students, professors and other academic researchers: A data research and analysis tool that enables them to curate their own datasets and dive into analytics faster – all on a single platform. No more offloading large quantities of raw data to your laptop...

See Nexis Data Lab in Action

In a recent live webinar event, LexisNexis team members Margaret Hart and Hatim El Faiz teamed up to share what makes Nexis Data Lab such a powerful data research and analytics tool for academic researchers. First, Hatim explained how Data Lab streamlines and accelerates dataset creation via its access to LexisNexis news content, intuitive search functionality and pre- and post-search filters. From there, Margaret gave...

Don't Miss a Thing: How Competitive Intelligence Keeps You Ahead of the Curve

You know you and your organization need competitive intelligence, but where to begin? What tools should you use, and will they be responsive enough to keep you up to date? How do you sift through all the information to find what’s relevant to your business? What if there isn’t enough information? The preparation alone can be overwhelming. But when you get the full picture of your industry and competitors, you can plan...

Nexis Data Lab Hackathon 2022: Key Takeaways

Who doesn’t love a good hackathon? In March 2022, LexisNexis sponsored a Nexis® Data Lab Hackathon as part of the Big Data & Analytics Association (BDAA) and Translational Data Analytics Institute (TDAI) Spring Forum. We asked participants at Ohio State University – where the forum was held – to put Nexis Data Lab to the test. And they wasted no time getting to work, using the unique datasets accessible in Data Lab...

5 Ways a Nonprofit Can Improve Engagement with Potential Donors

Your fundraising success depends on the effectiveness of your donor engagement Not so long ago, an “effective” donor engagement was defined as one that resulted in a single contribution from a prospect. This engagement might have consisted of an email or letter. And no matter how diverse or unique the potential donor may have been from all the others, they received essentially the same appeal asking for a donation as...

3 Best Practices for Donor Research and Nonprofit Fundraising

Why do many fundraising campaigns fall short of meeting their goals? The adage “time is money” is often used in a business context. However, it also holds true in the world of nonprofit fundraising. When it comes to searching for and screening donors, efficiency is key. But too often, fundraisers lack the proper donor management software and processes to conduct proper in-depth donor research in a timely manner. As...

Nexis Uni®︎ & Nexis®︎ Data Lab Make Ideal Launch Pads for Academic Research in the New Year

After the ball drops, the fireworks fizzle, and the crowds clear, it’s time to shift gears. Ringing in the new year also means readying for the latest trends. Recently, we highlighted some of those trends here on our blog and in this free trend report for higher education. Now a question remains: How can Nexis Solutions help universities turn these trends into opportunities for students, faculty, librarians, and the...

What's Big Data’s Role in Next Year's Trends for Higher Education?

Big data is an understatement given what it describes. Take the amount of data in the world a year ago— approximately 44 zettabytes. That’s a “44” with 21 zeros after it. Still trying to wrap your mind around that number? Picture this: 44 zettabytes equate to more stars than in the observable universe. The pace of data creation continues to accelerate too, which explains why data makes an appearance in every 2022 higher...

3 Ways Nexis®︎ for Development Professionals Helps Non-Profits Adapt to the Latest Trends

Resilience rose to become a top-of-mind issue for non-profits during the past 24 months and will likely remain there in 2022. The reason? Resilient organizations fare far better than their counterparts in the face of uncertainty and disruption. For non-profits, staying agile rests in their ability to continue to reach new donor prospects and encourage continued commitment from current donors. Having the right tools and...

Expanding Curriculum & Access to Data for Academic Research Enhances Universities' Ability to Meet Market Demands

As 2021 winds down, predictions for 2022 are already ramping up. Unsurprisingly, big data and artificial intelligence lie at the heart of many forecasts; a fact that holds true for higher education. Our soon-to-be-released trend report highlights five areas of focus where universities are concerned: Universities Expand Data-oriented Curriculum & Degrees Python Takes Over as the Top Programming Language of Data Science...


How a Donor Research Tune-Up Can Help Development Pros with Tomorrow's Trends

As the year draws to a close, thoughts often turn to New Year’s resolutions. When it comes to development professionals, that often includes a resolution to do polish up the donor database. Given anticipated trends for 2022, could your donor research process use a few tweaks as well? In our report “Funding the Future,” we highlight four trends gaining traction in 2022. Let’s look at a few ways donor research processes...

Four Hints to Get the Most Out of Nexis Advanced Searching

In today’s digital world, information is easy to find and access. And yet… it isn’t. Search tools have huge databases of content—Nexis itself has 45,000 sources! This can be daunting when you’re looking for something specific. The solution? A Nexis Advanced Search , a form-based search feature that allows you to create search queries using content-specific terms and document fields and segments within the search tabs...