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Media Monitoring

Gaining Executive Support for ESG Communication Initiatives

While environmental social governance (ESG) initiatives are increasingly becoming standard corporate practice, some organizations are still hesitant to invest the time and capital required to pursue a comprehensive program. In fact, sometimes securing internal buy-in can be the most challenging part of the process. Convincing key decision makers of the value of ESG can seem daunting. To help you overcome these internal...

How to Leverage Social Media Stats For Better Sports PR Campaigns

Social media statistics are one of the most underrated areas of insight when it comes to marketing and public relations. Because this medium is one of the easiest ways to interact with fan bases, it holds countless pieces of information that can be used across a business to help understand audiences. When it comes to public relations for sports teams, social media is extra helpful. Tracking fan sentiment, user-generated...

How to Improve Your Media Monitoring Management

Media monitoring is the key to seeing the clearest picture of how your company is functioning. Yet, it can feel like a monumental task to manage all the available information, while also making sure your data is current, comprehensive, and correct. The more you can discover about which data is most integral for your company to thrive, the more you can refine your needs, filter out unimportant data, and create a long-term...

Getting the Word Out: Why Targeted Marketing Campaigns are Vital to Your Success

If you want your business to succeed, a marketing strategy is essential. Although the value of your everyday content marketing plays a role in building trust and loyalty, creating a targeted marketing campaign will level up your outreach efforts. A lot of time and effort goes into developing an effective media campaign. Even the most well-thought-out, innovative, and creative marketing content won’t get you very far...

A Five-Point ESG Media Monitoring System

As a communications professional, you know intuitively that public perception can impact your campaigns — for better and for worse. These days, not much is more top of mind with the public than matters related to Environmental Social Governance (ESG). Research shows that customers, investors and other stakeholders are placing an increased focus on ESG initiatives, with companies leading the charge finding themselves with...

Best Practices for a Modern PR Campaign: Research the Brand

A PR campaign is like the most magnificent tree you’ve ever seen, and if it’s done correctly, you can build a whole content forest. But you need a solid foundation from which the tree (the brand) can grow. That comes from a thorough understanding of a brand’s history and current place in the market at the roots of the tree. That means you must put your investigative reporter’s cap on and make a list of questions, and...

Why ESG Deserves a Prominent Place in Your PR Strategy & Useful Tips for Tapping the Intel that Can Put It There

In "Crafting Your ESG Story", NACS Magazine notes, "Expectations are changing. From employees. Shareholders. And the public. And ESG reporting has become the de facto measuring stick of a company’s efforts to align with the public’s perception of what it means to be a good corporate citizen." How BIG is ESG now? It may have started as an investment strategy, but these days, no brand is immune to ESG fever. If you...

Four Insights for Unstoppable Media Intelligence Reports

Staying on top of a brand or organization’s media coverage is one of the most challenging aspects of any PR or communication pros job. In today’s fast-paced landscape, coverage can come from anywhere in the world, 24-hours a day. On top of that, the power of social media can quickly fan the flames of any story, taking it from a blip on the radar to a full-scale crisis in a matter of hours. The sheer size of the task can...

How to Make Sense of Your Media Data in Today’s Hyper Speed World

PR and communications professionals know that understanding brand performance and audience sentiment is twofold. On one hand, they must cast a wide enough net to consume the millions of news articles, social posts, television and radio broadcasts, blogs, podcasts and other types of media content seemingly created by the minute. On the other hand, they need to put this wealth of data into context; they need to uncover...

5 Steps to Building a Proactive Crisis Communications Strategy

In a perfect world, there would be no need for PR professionals to create a crisis communications strategy. They wouldn’t have that pervasive sense of dread that a brand perception misstep loomed around the corner. They also wouldn’t need to worry about whether they could respond quickly and efficiently enough should a communications crisis occur. The reality of today’s fast-moving and multi-faceted digital world, however...

Deciphering the NFL Draft with News Data

Listen up, football fans. The NFL Draft kicks off on April 28 th . Speculation abounds regarding which declared college player the Jacksonville Jaguars will take as the first overall pick. And there’s plenty of churning the rumor mill, analyzing what-if scenarios, and fact checking regarding the other plays and subsequent picks as well. As a result, the worlds of sports journalism and social media are buzzing, with what...

The Crisis Communications Checklist for PR Professionals

When PR professionals set out to create their crisis communications strategy in response to a crisis, they may not know quite where to start. There are many ways to approach building a crisis communications strategy, but very few ways to do so that result in one that’s beneficial to an organization when a PR crisis strikes . The sheer number of decisions a PR team must make in the heat of a crisis can feel daunting, and...

How to Plan an Effective Crisis Communications Strategy

Do you know what makes a good crisis communications strategy ? It’s not about developing a perfect roadmap that tries to account for every possible scenario; rather, it’s about anticipating the most likely scenarios while being prepared for the unexpected, putting plans and clearly defined steps into place that let you react decisively – and even proactively – to a wide assortment of PR crises as they strike and evolve...

From Media Monitoring to Media Intelligence: Three Reasons to Change Your Perspective

Communications pros and PR practitioners with— ahem—a certain level of experience will no doubt remember this thankless task. Back in the day, brave souls would huddle over their lonely, rickety metal desks, sifting through piles of media placements; identifying relevant media coverage about their brands, organizations or executive leadership; measuring the column inches; confirming circulation and ad equivalency numbers...


6 Must-Haves for an Effective Press Release

Let’s say you want to get the word out about a new product launch. You and your PR communications team craft a press release. The press release goes through a few internal iterations until all stakeholders are happy and it’s finally pushed out via the usual “shotgun” distribution approach. Then… all you hear are the chirps of crickets. “Is anyone finding the press release?” you ask yourself. More importantly, is your...


Leveling Up Your Brand Analysis with Nexis Newsdesk™︎

The start of the year is an excellent time for internal reflection, with many companies taking a step back to analyze the status of their brand and the impact of their communications strategy. Conducting a proper brand analysis requires an in-depth review of everything from your brand’s messaging, services and products to customer sentiment, marketing impact and how your share of voice stacks up against the competition...


4 Considerations to Make When Choosing a Press Release Distribution Tool

On the market for a press release distribution tool? It’s a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s because not all press release distribution platforms are the same. Not by a long shot. Some offerings stick to the “pull” model (i.e., the status quo) when it comes to trying to get your press releases into the right hands. But while this model can be effective, there are many data- and tech-enabled advancements in press...


Winter Wonderland: How the Media is Covering the Winter Games in Beijing

New athletes and events. Heartbreaking losses and high-flying wins. Medal counts and maybe a few media gaffes. That’s right: it’s time for the 2022 Winter Games. As all eyes point to Beijing, LexisNexis® is rolling out a special Winter Games news tracker . Powered by our Nexis Newsdesk™ media intelligence solution, the tracker will monitor news and media coverage in near real time to give an up-to-date overview of how...


Big Game Media: A Head to Head Analysis from Sunday’s Game

The ultimate American football showdown happened on Sunday, pitting the Los Angeles Rams against the Cincinnati Bengals. What does the media coverage tell us about the event? We turned to Nexis Newsdesk™ for a head-to-head comparison of the weekend’s hottest match-up. Team vs. Team The Bengals may have been the underdogs entering the contest, but when it comes to media coverage, they were enjoying the lion's, er,...


5 Questions Every PR Pro Should Ask of Their Media Coverage

When a company or organization begins to monitor its media coverage, it’s merely the first step in the large and ongoing process of converting that information into useable intelligence. Equally important to being able to set up search queries, are the questions that every public relations and communications professional should ask about their ongoing media coverage. Here are five prompts to inspire your thinking. What...


What Does It Mean: The Story Behind the Numbers

What Does It Mean: The Story Behind the Numbers Numbers are a great asset to any piece of communication because they lend validity to your claims. By their nature, numbers and data are straightforward. One is always one; two is always two. One plus two is always three. Right? Well… that depends. As with the written or spoken word, data can be interpreted differently by different people. Without context, insight, proper...


People Behind the Product: Nexis Newsdesk

You can measure the amount of work and brainpower that goes into a tool like Nexis Newsdesk by gauging its user-friendliness and intuitive functionality. In other words, the easier a media monitoring tool is to navigate and use, the greater the amount of sweat and number of sleepless nights that likely went into making it so. Nexis Newsdesk is a standout from other media monitoring solutions in the sense that it seems...

Five Reasons Why Nexis Newswire Sets a New Standard for Release Distribution

One of the unsung heroes of the business world is, without doubt, the news release . Millions upon millions of these documents have been issued over decades, feeding media outlets and bringing important news of all types to people around the world. In so doing, the trusty news release has played critical role in shaping companies, economies and even cultures. Now, with the introduction of Nexis ® Newswire , news releases...

Top Five Challenges for Law Firms to Win New Business

By Joyce Magruder Most law firms are emerging from COVID-19 lockdowns and economic disruptions in a stronger financial position than they anticipated at the outset of the downturn. However, their approach to landing new clients has changed dramatically — and they likely will never return to the tactics of the past. Indeed, seven in 10 law firm marketing and business development professionals agree with the idea that...

Too Hot, Too Cold or Just Right: What’s Driving Sentiment Shifts Within Traditional Media Coverage for Food Delivery Services?

Understanding whether media coverage of your brands or company trends positive, negative, or somewhere in between is crucial for developing effective strategies to protect your reputation and achieve your organizational goals and objectives. But unlike Goldilocks, you don’t have the time to try—and try again—to discover the right insights. Previously, we shared that our Nexis® Media Intelligence, Research & Analytics...
