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Risk and Compliance

Warning for European financial institutions as major new report warns money laundering and terrorist financing risks are not properly assessed and managed

A new report from the European Banking Authority (EBA) warns that payments firms and banks in the EU often insufficiently identify and manage the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing, despite the heightened risk of both within the sector. This blog looks at the report’s findings and suggests takeaways for firms, including the need for a comprehensive due diligence process which uses authoritative data and...

Nexis Diligence+™︎: Taking Your Due Diligence to a Higher Level

When it comes to business, it’s important to have high standards—especially when evaluating risk and protecting your reputation. To do so requires a comprehensive due diligence process that’s powered by information that you can trust. And with so many other responsibilities to manage, it can be difficult to perform an appropriately thorough due diligence investigation on a short timeline. If you’re looking to bring...

Stop the Risk: Asking the Right Questions for Complete Due Diligence

With the rise of mandatory due diligence legislation, it is no longer sufficient for compliance officers to screen a third party for indicators of bribery and corruption alone. Effective due diligence in the modern business environment should also encompass Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors like a company’s human rights record and environmental impact. More countries have adopted—or are considering...

Strengthening Consumer Loyalty Through Ethical Supply Chain Practices That Enforce Human Rights and Eliminate Child Labor

Consumer attitudes have shifted dramatically since the onset of the pandemic, bringing a striking increase in their desire for transparency in supply chain ethics. From the consumer level to the statutory level, there is a greater focus on ensuring these laws are enforced and embraced across the whole of the supply chain: from farm to fork. In 2021, a global study found that 78 percent of consumers prioritize buying...

Stark reminder of the costs of compliance failure as US regulator fines telecoms firm after alleged Deferred Prosecution Agreement breach

A multinational telecommunications company has pleaded guilty to breaching the anti-bribery provisions of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and must pay a $206 million penalty. In this blog, we look at the judgement by the US Department of Justice, and highlight the legal, financial, reputational and strategic risks of a compliance failure. We also outline how Nexis® Solutions can help companies to improve their due...

Round up of recent major fines for alleged compliance failures – and how companies can mitigate this rising regulatory risk

Over the past few months, companies from a wide range of jurisdictions and industries had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in fines for alleged failures of compliance and due diligence. In this blog, we dive deeper into some of these enforcement actions and draw out lessons companies can learn to mitigate the legal, financial, reputational and strategic risks of a regulatory breach. We also explain how Nexis Solutions...

The Global Impact of ESG Legislation

ESG screening , or environmental, social and governance screening, is becoming an increasingly important part of due diligence for companies around the world. Legislation mandating ESG due diligence is being introduced in many countries, and even where it is not yet required, consumers, investors, and employees are demanding ethical practices from companies. Improving ESG due diligence processes is essential for companies...

Global Trend Towards Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Accelerates as German Law Comes Into Force

Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act has been effective since 1 st January 2023. The new law requires large companies operating in Germany to carry out human rights and environmental due diligence on their business and its suppliers. Now, many countries are considering following Germany’s lead with similar regulations. In this blog, we look at how all companies can improve their compliance and due diligence processes...

Recent Regulatory Enforcement Actions Show the Rising Risks of a Failure of Due Diligence

Alleged compliance breaches have led to combined fines and settlements worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Q2 of 2023. Regulators have taken enforcement action against companies over their activities in jurisdictions spanning four continents. In this blog, we look at some of the most significant regulatory interventions in recent months and suggest how companies should retool their compliance approach to mitigate...

The 6 Kinds of Datasets Critical to Your Due Diligence Investigations

Your due diligence process should inform you of any potential risks before you make a major decision, such as whether to move forward with a merger and acquisition (M&A) or hire a c-suite candidate for your company. But if you don’t have access to the right data, in the right context, and in the right format, then your due diligence will likely be riddled with blind spots. Luckily, Nexis Diligence + offers an unmatched...

3 Reasons Working with State Owned Enterprises Demands Comprehensive Third Party Due Diligence

According to recent estimates, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) account for over 10% of the world’s GDP and more than a fifth of the world’s largest companies.The increasing presence of SOEs in the global economy has resulted in a number of high-profile corruption and bribery cases. These cases represent a profound compliance challenge for entities engaging with SOEs, requiring enhanced due diligence . Decrypting bribery...