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Data as a Service

3 Ways that Timely, Third-Party Data Helps Manufacturers Identify Supply Chain Red Flags Faster

Supply chain risk is not a new phenomenon, but it has certainly intensified. As the pandemic began its global spread in early 2020, 94% of Fortune 1000 companies reported supply chain disruptions . Today, global supply chains continue to flounder, earning a spot on the 2022 Davos Agenda and in the minds of procurement and supply chain leaders worldwide. Improving visibility into potential supply chain risk is a must,...

Cracking the Competitive Intelligence Code: How Third-Party Data Helps Manufacturers Gain a Market Advantage

What’s your strategy for uncovering intelligence that can give you an edge in the market? We’ve all experienced the transformative power of data and algorithms when using Google, streaming with Netflix, or shopping on Amazon. But futurist and technology thought leader Bernard Marr points out that organizations that interact directly with consumers have a data advantage—mountains of consumer-generated data. “Companies...

Our Tips for meeting the Four Key Trends in Risk and Compliance in 2022

The landscape of risk and compliance is always changing. In the last few months alone, there have been developments in global regulations for anti-bribery and corruption and due diligence, and major enforcement actions against companies who have allegedly failed to comply. There have also been significant changes to national and supranational sanctions regimes, and louder calls for companies to demonstrate their ESG impact...

How Banks are Using AI & Big Data to Sidestep Financial Crime Exposure

Today's financial institutions have it tough. Compliance requirements are becoming almost impossibly rigorous. Data is growing exponentially, both in terms of sheer volume and number of sources. Financial crime is on the rise and is so hard to combat, it often seems like fighting a multi-headed beast with a ball-point pen. Consider the stress for financial institutions still relying on manual processes to identify and...

How AI, Machine Learning & Big Data Can Help Shape Your Bank’s Compliance Strategy

Which financial institutions are most likely to thrive and lead in the future? The smart money says it will be the ones that swiftly, successfully adopt and master new technologies. One perfect place this theory is playing out: the increasingly complex regulatory compliance landscape. While some banks persist in trying to keep up via laborious manual processes, others are getting a leg up by leveraging big data and advanced...

How Banks are Using AI & Big Data to Sidestep Financial Crime Exposure

Concerned about the exposures created by exponential increases in data sources and partner vendors? See how banks are unlocking the power and efficiency of AI and big data to steer clear of financial crimes. Today's financial institutions have it tough. Compliance requirements are becoming almost impossibly rigorous. Data is growing exponentially, both in terms of sheer volume and number of sources. Financial crime...

How AI, Machine Learning & Big Data Can Help Shape Your Bank’s Compliance Strategy

Wondering how to keep up with increasingly difficult regulatory compliance demands? See how banks are using AI and machine learning to streamline processes. Which financial institutions are most likely to thrive and lead in the future? The smart money says it will be the ones that swiftly, successfully adopt and master new technologies. One perfect place this theory is playing out: the increasingly complex regulatory...

Risk Workflow Woes? See How the Right Datasets Help & What to Look for in a DaaS Provider

Risk management has never been easy. In recent years, however, the challenge has grown exponentially. The good news? Risk management professionals are gaining visibility and influence. According to a McKinsey survey on behalf of the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA), more than 50% of risk managers said that “The global pandemic has made risk and resilience significantly more important to their...

Why Data Visualizations Help You Discover Meaningful Insights from Data, Faster

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This saying has survived the test of time for a reason. Images were, after all, the first way that people preserved their experiences for future generations. Neanderthals created the earliest cave paintings approximately 64,000 years ago. But the evolution of humans and technology hasn’t reduced the importance of visuals to tell a story. If anything, the ongoing explosion of data...

The enhanced developer portal from Nexis DaaS: A sneak peek

In a recent sit-down interview, Viji Alagarsamy, Director of Product Management, DaaS, took the time to share why she thinks Nexis DaaS is a standout from other data as a service providers. She gave us so much information, we turned her interview into a series of blog posts covering topics ranging from why her team embraces a “fail fast” approach to how her team goes above and beyond to create additional value for her...

What It Takes to Weave the Data Fabric

Data Solutions Director Tracey Boylston works with current and prospective LexisNexis clients every day to help them assess their needs. This is a role she likes, because she gets to engage her creative problem-solving skillset to show people that sometimes merely providing access to a data feed or dataset isn’t the complete answer. “People come in and explain to me, "we need news data", says Tracey, who joined us for...

How the Nexis DaaS team creates value for clients

Data has always been an essential component to research. But today data is quite possibly one of hottest commodities. That’s according to Viji Alagarsamy, Director of Product Management, DaaS. She joined us for a recent sit-down interview to explain how she and the rest of the Nexis DaaS team create value for their clients. For starters, Nexis DaaS goes way beyond simply providing access to datasets. “What differentiates...

The Endless Possibilities of Data as a Service

In recent months, LexisNexis has been meeting with the team members behind our products to ask them their expertise on content, data enrichments, and more. These are the people who work directly with our solutions and our clients—meaning they’re the ones solving problems, finding opportunities, and pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished with data as a service (DaaS), APIs, and data enrichments. Dianne Glynn...

A key Nexis DaaS difference: An intelligent data enrichment process

The Nexis Data as a Service (DaaS) team does more than provide clients with datasets. Just ask Viji Alagarsamy, Director of Product Management, DaaS. She’s worked with her colleagues at Nexis DaaS for the past three years. And if it’s one thing she’s quick to point out, it’s that most of her clients only think they’re looking for nothing more than a data vendor. The reality is that, more often than not, clients are looking...

People Behind the Product: Data as a Service

“A client’s data and integration needs are always evolving,” says Viji Alagarsamy. And as the director of product management for DaaS at LexisNexis, she should know. In her role, she routinely collaborates with clients who aren’t looking for products; they’re looking for answers to problems created by increased business demands and the need to develop efficiencies. In some ways, this makes Viji’s official title a bit...

Top Companies Reveal Their AI & Big Data Strategies at European Summit

Executives from major companies came together late last year to discuss how AI and big data are transforming their businesses at the AI & Big Data Expo Europe . More than 150 people took part in the two-day virtual summit, which featured speakers sharing how central AI and big data have become to the strategies and operations of major organizations across virtually all sectors. They included: Alexei Cherenkov, Senior...