21 Nov 2022

Combatting Fake News with Next-Level Research

The phrase “fake news” may have surged in popularity during political elections in the US and across Europe in 2016, but misinformation and biased reporting have been around since the earliest cavemen exaggerated their dealings with saber-toothed tigers on cave walls. When you think about it, embellishments and twisted facts are, in a way, a quintessential part of the human experience. Fake news has played a role throughout history, and we still see it all the time in clickbait headlines, misattributed quotes and articles that use inflammatory, subjective language.

While misinformation is nothing new, the pervasive nature of fake news poses a unique challenge for journalists and reporters, for whom accurate, objective reporting is considered a cornerstone of their profession. Journalists are held to an incredibly high standard when it comes to presenting the facts to the public, but the proliferation of misinformation in recent years has left many American skeptical of the work and motives of the fourth estate. And it’s not just seasoned, professional journalists who need to be concerned about the veracity of their work—the media we now consume pushes far beyond the newspapers and evening broadcast news of our grandparents. Today, many people get their news from blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos or social media. As these new channels gain in influence, the bloggers and social media influencers creating that content have a moral responsibility to be similarly focused on the quality and accuracy of what they’re sharing with their audience.

In a media environment where biased, politically motivated content is published and shared at an impressive (albeit alarming) rate, how can the modern reporter or content creator sift through the noise and zero in on the information they need? Simple: by polishing up their good old-fashioned research skills. Here are some tips on how to refine your investigative abilities and avoid being swept up in a wave of “fake news.”

Lean on research sources you know you can trust.

Whether you’re in the initial fact-finding stage of writing or digging deep into specific claims made by a source, you can save time, energy and sanity by focusing on outlets that have already been vetted—like those found in NexisÒ. Our database and research tools empower media professionals to find the information they need within the largest set of aggregated sources available in the market, from historical news archives and legal data to global newswires and niche trade publications.

Pro tip: if you’ve already identified a few outlets that regularly publish credible content, you can use Nexis to build specially curated source lists that ensure that your searches only focus on resources that you can rely on. No fake news here.

Research your interviewees ahead of time.

Any reputable reporter, blogger or podcaster knows that when it comes to interviewing, preparation is key. Walk into your next interview feeling confident that you have all the information you need—and know what questions to ask—by mining Nexis’ wealth of biographical information for anything from an interviewee’s professional history to the organizations and causes they support.

If you’re done with your interviews but want to verify key details before publishing your next piece, Nexis Biographies can also be used to unearth previous media coverage on your source and double-check any claims they might make about their stances on important issues or their expertise in an industry.

Fact check claims by cross-referencing.

Speaking of double-checking, avoid getting sucked into the cyclone of “fake news” by verifying any bold claims that you come across in your research. Stumble across a story with data points that don’t seem quite right or a quote without an attribution? Use Nexis to cross-reference those kinds of details in other, credible publications and confirm their accuracy before including them in your own piece. If supporting evidence can’t be found, that’s a warning sign that a source might not be reliable or based in fact.

Combatting the rising tide of fake news might seem like a challenge, but never fear: Leveling up your research skills can ensure that you’re publishing the most accurate information for your audience. If you’re ready to take the accuracy of your content to the next level, Nexis is here to help. Try out Nexis today