23 Feb 2023

Turbocharge Your PR Efforts with Nexis®︎ Media Intelligence Research & Analytics

If there’s one thing that every PR or comms professional could use more of, it’s time. Between research, creating content, pitching, coordinating interviews, tracking media coverage and a dozen other tasks on our to-do lists, it’s understandable that many of us often feel like the day just isn’t long enough to get everything done. And while Nexis® can’t actually add more time to your days, we can help improve your work-life balance by taking a few tasks off your plate.

The Nexis® Media Intelligence Research & Analytics team is made up of media analysis professionals dedicated to supporting and augmenting your team’s efforts by tackling some of the most common—and important—tasks required to keep you a step ahead of the competition. It’s an incredibly valuable service that offers a powerful combination of best-in-class media metrics and human analysis to deliver actionable insights that drive results.

In this post, we’ll detail a few of the ways that our Nexis® Media Intelligence Research & Analytics service can help to make your work more efficient and effective.   


Understand an industry, instantly.

Getting up to speed on a new client’s industry can be a huge undertaking, requiring hours of time to research and assess the lay of the land. The Nexis® Media Intelligence Research & Analytics team can offer you an incredible head start on this process, delivering custom media analysis reports that dive into everything from tone and messages analysis to assessments of a brand’s top competitors. Not only that, but we also provide customized snapshot or comprehensive media analysis reports, which identify an overview of your brand, top influencers, what they talk about, and key insights and learnings.


Ongoing or Ad-hoc.

Whether you are working on an event-based campaign or simply looking at your organization’s current position in the marketplace, our team of expert researchers can help you conduct a comprehensive analysis to suit your needs. A successful communications strategy has ongoing elements, as well as time-specific campaigns and events to track. Looking at successes and opportunities of both is critical to growth and progress.


Seamlessly assess and report brand coverage.

Monitoring media and social media coverage are both critical aspects of a PR pro's job. Unfortunately, today’s huge array of digital media channels and social media services makes this a borderline herculean task. Media landscape reports can take this weight off your shoulders, leveraging human analysis to go further than the numbers and help tell the real story behind your coverage. Our team digs deep into your leading coverage drivers, the messages that are resonating with your audience and your coverage’s sentiment to help you understand the impact of your communication strategy in real time.

And we don’t stop there. Our analyst teams offer snapshot reports to break down media coverage and package the key results and insights into simple, usable newsletters that can be delivered to your key stakeholders or clients. These human-curated newsletters are designed to your specifications to share the coverage you want and need to see.

Are you ready to take some labor-intensive research off your plate in the new year? Reach out today to learn more about how Nexis® Media Intelligence Research & Analytics can turbocharge your PR efforts in 2023.