21 Apr 2022

The Crisis Communications Checklist for PR Professionals

When PR professionals set out to create their crisis communications strategy in response to a crisis, they may not know quite where to start. There are many ways to approach building a crisis communications strategy, but very few ways to do so that result in one that’s beneficial to an organization when a PR crisis strikes. The sheer number of decisions a PR team must make in the heat of a crisis can feel daunting, and the fact that time is of the essence only serves to magnify that feeling.

This blog post is the fourth in a five-part series on how PR teams can create an effective crisis communications strategy for today’s uncertain world. In our previous installment, we looked at five steps PR teams can take to build a proactive and highly impactful crisis communications strategy. Here, we break out those steps a bit more and structure them in a crisis communications checklist to follow in the event a crisis occurs.

In other words, while our other blog posts looked at building a crisis communications strategy in preparation of a crisis that hasn’t occurred, now we’ll look at the steps you can take when you find yourself in the throes of a PR nightmare. As you work toward creating your own strategy in response to a crisis, use this to-do list along the way to keep you and your PR team on course.

If you give each task the proper attention it deserves, the process of creating a crisis communications strategy should be made easier – and the resulting strategy itself should be much more effective than it otherwise might have been.

Task #1: Review your current strategic communications plan

Take the time to look at and align with your overall strategic communications plan. And don’t do it in a vacuum. Get feedback from stakeholders outside your PR team to better understand where the plan might have shortcomings regarding a particular crisis. Also, ensure that all your ongoing and potential crisis response efforts are aligned with this strategy. Make sure you understand the problem you’re trying to solve for the short- and long-term health of your organization.

Task #2: Conduct a thorough audit of current capabilities

What biases exist in your social and traditional media monitoring and measurement systems? By conducting an audit of your existing media monitoring and reporting capabilities, you can identify blindspots and adjust accordingly. For example, don’t just focus on your priority media list. Keep your search criteria as broad as possible to avoid narrowing your data filters. The more focused you are on specific media channels and publications, the more likely you are to lose sight of other media sources in your periphery where the ramifications of a crisis can thrive.

Task #3: Reevaluate your audience

This means take stock of your audience’s needs and behaviors. Analyze their comments on social and traditional media channels to gain deeper insight into their viewpoints and perception of your organization’s brand. You can even go one step further and conduct an informal survey or focus group to ensure your messages still resonate with your audience’s views and values. This creates a critical feedback loop that informs you on which of your efforts are working and which ones should be shelved.

Task #4: Keep your C-suite and internal stakeholders in the loop

Internal communication is just as important as your external communications efforts. Far too often, an organization’s PR team will put out one message only to have an executive or other brand representative release a statement that contradicts it. Align with your C-suite and other internal stakeholders on one unified message in response to whatever the current crisis is impacting your organization.

Task #5: Engage in active listening

Give yourself the benefit of real-time feedback. Engage in active listening on social channels and apply what you learn to deliver meaningful, actionable insights to your stakeholders – and to inform future iterations of your crisis plan. Provide these stakeholders with data insights and guidance on how to manage your organization’s reputation, helping them better understand what your audience wants and needs. Consider circulating a short, weekly, or monthly data digest to keep stakeholders informed and make real-time adjustments to your plan.

Follow these to-dos to respond efficiently and effectively to a PR crisis

Use this crisis communications checklist when it’s time for your PR team to leap into action. It can help you stay on course and better mitigate potential fallout resulting from a crisis. If you’re concerned that you lack the proper tools and capabilities to follow this to-do list, don’t worry; the fifth and final blog post in the series explores exactly what those capabilities are – and how you can obtain them.