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Cracking the Competitive Intelligence Code: How Third-Party Data Helps Your Org Gain a Market Advantage

What’s your strategy for uncovering intelligence that can give you an edge in the market? We’ve all experienced the transformative power of data and algorithms when using Google, streaming with Netflix, or shopping on Amazon. But futurist and technology thought leader Bernard Marr highlights that organizations directly interacting with consumers have a significant data advantage due to the abundance of consumer-generated...

Espionage Alert: How to Crack the CI Code Without Breaking Ethical & Legal Boundaries

When most people hear the word, “espionage,” they likely picture a spy from the big screen—James Bond for action junkies or perhaps Austin Powers for comedy lovers. But espionage isn’t confined to Hollywood thrillers. And it isn’t a recent phenomenon either. A Foreign Policy article highlights the storied history of corporate espionage, noting, “From classical Greek cities to modern U.S. corporations, the theft of trade...

5 Essential Factors to Look For Before Investing in Your Next CI Tool or Service

If you’re finding your current competitive intelligence falls short of expectations, you aren’t alone. Cam Mackey, Past Executive Director of Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) pointed to a growing gap between competitive intelligence (CI) leaders and laggards in 2021. At the time, Mackey noted that leaders are “… more adept at ‘seeing through the fog’ of a volatile market and acting quickly when...

The Power of Perspective: Using Multi-Dimensional Data to Fuel Better Competitor Analysis

“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.” This adage, attributed to the legendary statistician W. Edwards Deming, suggests the vital role data plays in your market and competitor analysis. After all, you need to convince decision-makers across your organization that the insights you deliver are credible—not just a gut feeling. Embarking on market and competitor analysis without the right data is like...

Why You Need to Fact-Check AI-Generated Content for Misinformation

Content created by Artificial Intelligence proliferates at a remarkably rapid pace. AI’s power to transform our informational landscape is immense, due to the constant overflow of information. AI analysis is more than twice as fast as human discovery and gives us a wellspring of optimised data that allows us to expedite decision making. However, if the AI dataset is flawed, it can drown out fact with misinformation and...

Everything to Know About Generative AI in Media Production

If you’ve logged onto the internet in 2023, you’ve probably heard about AI advancements. From appealing AI filters on social media to the March 14, 2023 release of GPT-4, artificial intelligence (AI) has become all the rage, and that’s not likely to end anytime soon. But what does AI have to do with film and media production? Generative AI, a category of intelligence that creates content like text and imagery, could...

Top 5 Ways Financial Services Teams Are Using Generative AI

There’s no doubt about it. Generative AI promises to transform how financial institutions conduct analysis, research markets, and serve clients. While there will always be a need for human oversight and ingenuity, using AI can make everything more efficient for financial professionals. For researchers, advisors, analysts, and other financial professionals, generative AI allows streamlining time-intensive processes—which...

Best Practices for Purchasing Competitive Intelligence Tools and Services

4 Factors to Consider Competitive intelligence strategists know that over the past few years, global socioeconomic turbulence has completely upheaved virtually every industry and organization across the planet. With the onset of remote work, the wave of new technologies and their ever-changing risks and regulations, and unpredictable markets, there’s been a massive paradigm shift across the business spectrum. The...

LexisNexis Announces Commercial Preview Program for Nexis+ AI, Providing Generative AI-Powered Corporate Research and Decision Intelligence

By: iCrowdNewswire Program allows corporations to preview and refine Nexis+ AI’s Gen AI capabilities, which deliver trustworthy results, powerful summarization features and faster time to insights New York, NY – April 23, 2024 – LexisNexis ® Legal & Professional , a leading global provider of information and analytics, today announced the commercial preview of Nexis+ AI , new generative AI-powered capabilities designed...

Three times LexisNexis®︎ saved the day in Hollywood

From journalism and politics to finance, education and business analysis, Nexis®​ is a trusted data and insights partner for industries of all shapes and sizes.And given just how popular our suite of data-driven tools is, it’s no wonder that many of our products have been featured in an array of TV shows and films—often helping the protagonists to find valuable information that solves a case, cracks open a news story...

Factual Filmmaking: How to Use News Archives to Research Your Film

Films help us bring the past to life. We can step into a theater and see a perfectly recreated 1950s New York City street, or watch a historically accurate representation of an 1800s courtroom brawl, and be absorbed into those eras. But behind the scenes, the seamless transitions from past to present take a lot of work. Historical research is pivotal in film for the same reason it was important to hide Starbucks cups...

How To Fix Your Research Style With Nexis Hub®︎

If you scroll through a handful of job descriptions today, odds are that most—if not all—will list “proficient in research and analysis” as a requirement. But despite the need for quality research skills, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to collecting and organizing information. Some might opt for a rigid process of sourcing publications or authors with relevant expertise before diving into the data; others favor...


How to Get the Whole Research Picture, Faster

In a world where data-driven decision-making has become all but necessary, research professionals are faced with a unique challenge: to find and collect the information they need amid an ever-growing sea of data. Today’s researchers are drowning in information; the total amount of data created, captured, copied, and consumed globally reached 64.2 zettabytes in 2020 , and is projected to hit 180 zettabytes by 2025. That...


From Chaos to Clarity: Transforming Disorganized Research into Actionable Insights

The modern workplace has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last few years, weathering a global pandemic, widespread talent shortages , and the emergence of game-changing technologies. Amid all this change, today’s workers are shouldering more responsibility and larger workloads than ever—and struggling to find enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on their to-do lists. Just like time, research is...


Managing Collaboration and Communication in Research: Strategies for Team Alignment and Productivity

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world in a multitude of ways. It’s no secret that we are no longer living in the same society that existed in 2019. Because of the events of the last few years, we are now dealing with things like growing inflation, industry-agnostic mass layoffs, and a massive increases in remote offices. That last point is unique in that it’s something people are often rooting for, as employees have...

More Time on What Matters Most

The modern workplace has undergone a dramatic transformation in the aftermath of a global pandemic, widespread talent shortages , and the adoption of new technologies. As a result, today’s workers are shouldering more responsibility and larger workloads than ever—and struggling to find enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on their to-do lists. Time is a precious resource for professionals in nearly every...


Research, Simplified. Meet Nexis®︎ Hub

Thorough, efficient research has never been more important than it is today. More organizations and workers are using data to make critical business decisions and optimize nearly every aspect of their work. Meanwhile, misinformation and “fake news” continue to muddy the waters in journalism and the corporate sector. It makes sense, then, that professionals around the globe are invested in finding solutions that can...


Everything to Know About Generative AI in Media Production

If you’ve logged onto the internet in 2023, you’ve probably heard about AI advancements. From appealing AI filters on social media to the March 14, 2023 release of GPT-4, artificial intelligence (AI) has become all the rage, and that’s not likely to end anytime soon. But what does AI have to do with film and media production? Generative AI, a category of intelligence that creates content like text and imagery, could...
