State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
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  • Blog Post: More States Oppose Obama Immigration Policy Than Support

    Texas and twenty-five other states have filed suit to block President Obama’s executive actions in November shielding undocumented immigrants from deportation for three years, according to the Pew Research Center. Twelve states have filed an amicus, or “friend of the court,” brief in...
  • Blog Post: Drone Laws Passed In Over Half of States In Last Few Years

    Since 2013, 27 states have enacted laws addressing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The laws generally define what UAS or drones are and specify how they can be used by law enforcement or the general public. Fifteen states have adopted...
  • Blog Post: Texas et al Win Challenge To Obama Immigration Policy

    Twenty-five states joined Texas in challenging President Obama’s executive actions on immigration policy in November 2014, expanding temporary relief from deportation for undocumented immigrants. Fifteen states also filed amicus, or “friend of the court,” briefs supporting those executive...
  • Blog Post: Public Pension Return Rates Lagging In States

    Investment returns for large public pension plans in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015 were significantly lower than the plans’ assumed rates of return, according to money management news source Pensions & Investments . The one-year return rates for 17 large public pension funds - including...
  • Blog Post: Opioid Overdose Rates Up and Rising in States

    Between 2014 and 2015 death rates due to opioid overdose rose by over 25 percent - more than twice the national average (11 percent) - in five states and the District of Columbia. The five states with the highest opioid death rates in 2015 were West Virginia (36 deaths per 100,000 people), New Hampshire...
  • Blog Post: Business - June 5 2017

    California Approves AB 168 The CALIFORNIA Assembly approves AB 168 , so-called “gender equity” legislation that would bar Golden State employers from asking job applicants about their salary history. It moves to the Senate (SACRAMENTO BEE). California Approves AB 46 The CALIFORNIA...
  • Blog Post: Social Policy - August 21 2017

    Texas Fails To Endorse SB 6 In a special session, the TEXAS House fails to endorse SB 6 , which would have required residents to use the bathroom that matches their genetic makeup at birth. It is the second time this year the Lone Star State House has declined to take up a so-called “bathroom...
  • Blog Post: Politics In Brief - October 2 2017

    DHS CONTACTS STATES ABOUT 2016 ELECTION HACKING The Department of Homeland Security directly notified election officials in 21 states last month that they had been targeted by hackers connected to the Russian government during the 2016 election campaign. The states that confirmed they were targeted...
  • Blog Post: Most States Taking Action on Cybersecurity

    As of Oct. 30 at least 43 states had introduced over 240 bills and resolutions related to cybersecurity this year, according to analysis of LexisNexis State Net data by the National Conference of State Legislatures. Twenty-seven of those states have enacted bills, and four have adopted resolutions. Among...
  • Blog Post: Straws Latest Flashpoint in Battle Over Plastics

    Today, a visitor to a Bon Appétit cafe will have no problem finding plenty of tasty things to nosh on. But finding a plastic straw for their soda or a plastic stirrer for their coffee will soon be impossible. San Francisco-based Bon Appétit Management Company announced in May it would...
  • Blog Post: Fair Percentage of Airbnb Rentals Full-Time

    According to a 2016 analysis of Airbnb booking data by the website, among the 25 cities with the largest Airbnb markets at that time, Honolulu, Hawaii had the highest percentage of active listings that were rented at least 180 days a year, at 21.1 percent. The other Top 25 markets...
  • Blog Post: Lawmakers Grapple With Proliferation of E-Scooters

    Many lawmakers left their state capitol buildings around the country after adjourning last year having never seen an e-scooter. A good number may never even have heard of such a thing. But that’s changed for many lawmakers returning for sessions this year. Many in several states are now probably...
  • Blog Post: More States Ready for Moderate Recession Than Not

    As of September 2018, 23 states had enough rainy day and other reserve funds to weather a moderate recession, while 17 states lacked such reserves, according to Moody’s Analytics. The other 10 states had reserve balances that were within 5 percentage points of the amount they would need to get...
  • Blog Post: States Grapple with Complexities of Health Reform

    It has been just over two years since President Donald Trump famously bemoaned the complexities of the American health care system, telling a meeting of the nation’s governors that “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” It goes without saying that health care’s...
  • Blog Post: State Lawmakers Stepping Up Fight Against Insurance Fraud

    By some accounts, insurance fraud has reached epidemic proportions, costing insurance companies and their policyholders tens of billions of dollars each year. State lawmakers have taken several measures in recent years to combat the problem, but this year they’re stepping up their efforts even...
  • Blog Post: Over Half of States Have Passed Private-Sector Data Security Laws

    As of the start of this year, at least 25 states had passed laws requiring businesses that handle personal data to implement security procedures to protect that information from unauthorized access, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. LexisNexis State Net’s legislative tracking...
  • Blog Post: Business - June 17 2019

    RI Senate Approves SB 509 The RHODE ISLAND Senate approves SB 509 , which would bar employers from asking job applicants about their salary history. It is now in the House (PROVIDENCE JOURNAL). NV Governor Signs AB 466 NEVADA Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) signs AB 466 , a bill that creates a legal...
  • Blog Post: Most States Considering Drug Price Control Measures

    At least 40 states have introduced legislation in 2019 aimed at reducing the cost of prescription drugs, according to LexisNexis State Net ’s legislative tracking system. Fifteen of those states have enacted such measures.
  • Blog Post: Biometric Data Privacy Bills Considered in Over Half of States

    At least 26 states have introduced bills this session dealing with the collection and use of biometric information, such as fingerprints, speech patterns or gait, according to data from the National Conference of State Legislatures and LexisNexis State Net. Three of those states - Arkansas, New York...
  • Blog Post: States Adding Biometrics to Data Privacy Battle

    At the start of this year, many observers believed states might be lining up to duplicate California’s tough new data privacy law, set to go into effect next year. That rush didn’t quite materialize, but that doesn’t mean lawmakers completely whiffed on data protection. According...
  • Blog Post: Balance Billing Measures Introduced in 32 States in 2019

    Legislation dealing with medical balance billing - the charging of patients by healthcare providers for services not fully covered at the providers’ rate by the patients’ insurance - has been introduced in 32 states this year, according to analysis by LexisNexis State Net . Seven of those...
  • Blog Post: States Still Attending to Medical Balance Billing

    When SNCJ reported in August 2017 on medical balance billing - the direct charging of patients by healthcare providers for services that aren’t fully covered at the providers’ rate by the patients’ insurance - nearly half of the states had passed legislation addressing the practice...
  • Blog Post: Government Cybersecurity Bills Introduced in Nearly 3/4 of States in 2019

    At least 37 states have introduced legislation this year dealing with the cybersecurity of government agencies, 24 of which have enacted such measures, according to information from the National Conference of State Legislatures and LexisNexis State Net. The measures deal with a range of issues, including...
  • Blog Post: Rainy-Day Fund Balances Vary Widely Across States

    Wyoming has the largest estimated fiscal year 2019 rainy-day fund balance as a percentage of total state expenditures, at 109 percent, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers’ Spring 2019 Fiscal Survey of States . California has the largest FY 2019 rainy-day fund balance...
  • Blog Post: Texas, California Among Hardest Hit by Wildfires in 2018

    In 2018 Texas had the most wildfires of any state, 10,541 of them, and the sixth highest number of acres burned, at 569,811, according to data compiled by the Insurance Information Institute from the National Interagency Fire Center. California had the second highest number of wildfires, at 8,054, and...