State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
Tagged Content List
  • Blog Post: Majority of States Looking at Daily Fantasy Sports

    Thirty-three states have considered legislation related to daily fantasy sports this year, according to and LexisNexis State Net legislative data. DFS bills have been passed in four states, including Virginia, which enacted two. DFS measures have also failed in 13 states, but DFS...
  • Blog Post: Government Cybersecurity Bills Introduced in Nearly 3/4 of States in 2019

    At least 37 states have introduced legislation this year dealing with the cybersecurity of government agencies, 24 of which have enacted such measures, according to information from the National Conference of State Legislatures and LexisNexis State Net. The measures deal with a range of issues, including...
  • Blog Post: Trump Administration Sued by Many Mostly Democrat-Led States

    As of October 17, 68 lawsuits had been initiated against the Trump administration via a complaint or petition filed by multiple states, according to data compiled by Dr. Paul Nolette, an associate professor of political science at Marquette University, for the website . Democrat...