State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
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  • Blog Post: Govs Cry Foul Over FL Drilling Exemption

    Coastal states reacted with alarm last week when the Trump administration announced it was expanding oil drilling leases in waters previously protected under the Obama administration. But when U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that after a plea from Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) he would be...
  • Blog Post: Govs Form Multistate Gun Task Force

    Decrying a lack of federal action, several Northeastern governors have formed a multi-state partnership to address gun violence. The “States for Gun Safety” coalition is the brainchild of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, who was joined by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Connecticut Gov. Dannel...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - May 21 2018

    CUOMO PROPOSES ELIMINATION OF NY COAL PLANTS : NEW YORK Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) ordered the state Department of Environmental Conservation to set new limits on carbon dioxide emissions he said would make Empire State power plants entirely coal-free by 2020. Cuomo first proposed making the state’s...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - September 9 2019

    WA LEG SUES INSLEE The WASHINGTON Legislature filed suit against Gov. Jay Inslee (D), arguing the governor had violated the Evergreen State Constitution when he issued several partial vetoes of the 2019-21 transportation budget. Inslee acknowledged the unusual nature of the vetoes in his veto message...