State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
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  • Blog Post: Governors In Brief - October 9 2017

    SANDOVAL DECLARES NV HEALTH EMERGENCY AFTER MASS SHOOTING In the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas that saw 59 people killed and more than 500 injured, NEVADA Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) issued an executive order temporarily suspending some state medical rules to allow doctors and...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - March 19 2018

    BAKER OUTLINES $300 MILLION CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN : On the heels of several massive winter storms, MASSACHUSETTS Gov. Charlie Baker (R) outlined a plan to borrow $300 million to put toward efforts to combat climate change in communities all along the Bay State seaboard. The bill would require all coastal...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - June 10 2019

    NV GOV WILL SIGN WAGE, PAID LEAVE BILLS In a statement issued last week, NEVADA Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) said he would sign legislation ( AB 456 ) on his desk that will incrementally raise the Silver State minimum wage to $12 per hour by July, 2024. The governor said he would also sign SB 312 , a measure...
  • Blog Post: Mills Signs Strict ME Data Privacy Bill

    Saying that “Maine people value their privacy, online and off,” Gov. Janet Mills (D) signed one of the toughest data privacy measures in the nation last week. Under SB 275 , which Mills signed last Thursday, Pine Tree State Internet providers will be prohibited from using, selling,...