State Net | Capitol Journal

State Net | Capitol Journal
State Net | Capital Journal
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  • Blog Post: Governors In Brief - December 7 2015

    LGBT Protection in LA LOUISIANA Gov.-elect John Bel Edwards (D) said he will issue an executive order to protect gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender state employees and government contractors from discrimination. His planned directive would protect those workers from firing, discrimination and...
  • Blog Post: Governors In Brief - October 9 2017

    SANDOVAL DECLARES NV HEALTH EMERGENCY AFTER MASS SHOOTING In the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting in Las Vegas that saw 59 people killed and more than 500 injured, NEVADA Gov. Brian Sandoval (R) issued an executive order temporarily suspending some state medical rules to allow doctors and...
  • Blog Post: Governors in Brief - May 6 2019

    BULLOCK SIGNS MT REINSURANCE BILL MONTANA Gov. Steve Bullock (D), signed legislation last week that will create a reinsurance program to help reimburse insurers for high-cost claims so those costs aren't included in determining individual marketplace premiums for the following year. Under SB 125...