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LexisNexis Biz Blog
Tagged Content List
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Shows Whether Campaign Messages are On-Brand or Off-Brand

    Whether we like it or not, the adage that “these days, we sell our candidates like we sell our soft drinks” is largely true. Any political strategist—especially those in the rarefied air of a presidential election— knows the importance of branding and messaging in electoral politics...
  • Blog Post: Media Mentions for Prince Eclipse Presidential Coverage

    Americans were shocked and saddened by the news of recording artist Prince’s death at the age of 57 on Thursday. The legendary singer-songwriter’s death hit airwaves and news outlets faster than you can say, “Diamonds and Pearls.” Media and social media hashtags immediately started...
  • Blog Post: Election Media Coverage Cooling Off as Race Heats Up

    Forty-seven down, nine to go. The end of the presidential primary season is drawing ever closer, with contests in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Indiana now under the nation’s belt. While the candidates themselves appear to be in the midst of a feeding frenzy—pulling...
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Confirms America Really Loves Mom

    Do Americans love their mamas? According to media monitoring and new analysis , you bet your sweet bippy they do. Between April 24 and May 10, Mom was more popular than any of the U.S. presidential candidates and general election coverage – combined. In other words, if media coverage is a popularity...
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Spots Breakthrough Campaign Topic: Libya

    Topics that you hear along the campaign trail fluctuate frequently. With Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican nominee and a hotly-contested race between Democrats Bernie Sanders and front-runner Hillary Clinton, Libya has entered the hot topics arena. That’s not surprising, given Hillary...
  • Blog Post: Data Visualization Provides Insight into Last Days of Presidential Primaries

    As you may have noticed from past blog posts , we—like many others—have been closely following this year’s presidential campaign in the news, on blogs and across social media. We’ve analyzed media coverage of candidates, identified key campaign issues and even explored how the...
  • Blog Post: Miranda Rights at 50: What News Analysis Tells Us

    It wasn’t long after the Supreme Court ruling on Miranda v. Arizona that Dragnet’s Sargent Joe Friday began apprising suspects of their rights in nearly every episode. In 2000, the words of the Miranda warning appeared on screens small and large so often that Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist...
  • Blog Post: Piecing together Media Insights from Orlando Coverage

    Last Sunday, Omar Mateen entered Pulse nightclub just after 2 A.M. Minutes later Pulse posted an ominous status on Facebook: “Everyone get out of pulse and keep running.” Three hours later, before the sun even rose, media outlets across the globe were already reporting on another mass shooting...
  • Blog Post: Journalism Series: USA Today Journalists Fact Check Donald Trump's Litigation History

    Guest Written by: Ashley Mitchell Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Presidential-hopeful Donald Trump boasts a litigious past and present. He once sued—unsuccessfully—Julius and Edmond Trump to prevent them from using their own last name for a business venture , claiming...
  • Blog Post: Journalism Series: 3 Reasons for Conducting News Research and Analysis

    What’s the most debated topic of this year’s U.S. presidential campaign? According to a recent Washington Post article , it’s not the border wall, terrorism or emails: It’s the media’s coverage of Donald Trump. More specifically, says the Washington Post, “The debate...
  • Blog Post: Media Analysis in the Moment: RNC Takes Center Stage

    Even as political prognosticators debate the merits of vice presidents and polling, 15,000 credentialed members of the media are in Cleveland for this week’s Republican National Convention. After months of tracking the progress—or lack of it—among presidential hopefuls, delegates from...
  • Blog Post: Journalism Series: The Fact Checking Politics on Late-Night TV

    Around this time last year, many lamented the pending exit of Jon Stewart from the late-night TV, but NPR’s Dave Davies may have said it best on Fresh Air when he noted, “Tomorrow morning, a generation of 30-somethings will wake up and realize they’re going to have to vote in their...
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Reveals Shift in Melania Trump Coverage

    Guest written by Chris Scully, Senior Media Intelligence Analyst, LexisNexis Day 1 of the RNC ended and Day 2 began and was dominated by attention on Melania Trump’s 15-minute address. And, following Sunday night’s disastrous 60 Minutes interview of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, the RNC...
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Provides a More Complete Picture of the DNC

    Politics have dominated the headlines—and prime-time news channels—in recent weeks as media outlets zeroed in on the happenings at both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. And LexisNexis was there right amidst media. As we mentioned in a previous post , we were on the ground...
  • Blog Post: Scholarship Winners to Weigh in on the Media, Millennials and Election 2016

    Earlier this year, Pew Research announced, “Millennials, who already have surpassed Baby Boomers as the United States’ largest living generation, now have caught up to the Boomers when it comes to their share of the American electorate.” Of course, the statement also came with a question...
  • Blog Post: Election Season Puts a Focus on Fact-Checking

    Do you have a fact-checking obsession? In today’s hyperbolic media landscape, it seems, fact-checking is de rigueur. That’s good news, according to the Poynter Institute —an organization dedicated to “the elevation of journalism.” In a recent article, Poynter pointed out...
  • Blog Post: Media Monitoring Shows Sexism Abounds...Still

    August 26 th is a big day in women’s history—that day in 1920 that Congress certified the Nineteenth Amendment, giving women the right to vote. When Congress passed the joint resolution 51 years later to commemorate the event with an annual Women’s Equality Day, it said the holiday...
  • Blog Post: The Missing Millennial and Confused Media

    This post was guest written by Courtney Resnicky, a senior at Wright State University. Millennials—those born between 1981 and 1998—have now surpassed Baby Boomers by half a million , according to PEW research. While this may not seem like a huge number, the historic election taking place...
  • Blog Post: What Election Issues Will Have the Largest Impact on College Students?

    This post was guest written by Courtney Resnicky, a senior at Wright State University. The election season always brings “hot button” issues into the limelight, and this year is no different. Although many of the issues are universal, there are a select few that may have a larger impact...
  • Blog Post: Candidates Are Missing the Opportunity to Inspire Millennials

    This post was guest written by Brandon Teeple, a junior at Wright State University. What topics do you care about? Is it ever-increasing national budget? Or is it, perhaps, protecting gun rights? Each generation has a particular set of issues that are important to them, based on what stage of life...
  • Blog Post: Has the Presidential Campaign Turned Into a Research Assignment?

    This post was guest written by Courtney Resnicky, a senior at Wright State University. The battle between who is telling the truth, who is twisting the truth, and who is flat out lying during this Presidential election seems to have become more heated than ever. In both presidential debates we’ve...
  • Blog Post: 3 Insights from Election 2016 Media Monitoring

    What a difference a year and even a week makes. When we started tracking the presidential election coverage a year and a half ago, we aimed to test a few theories: Higher media coverage would lead to better poll results Social media would play a role in the election Swing states would reign...
  • Blog Post: Is Social Media Hinting at Who May Win the Presidential Election?

    The race is tight, so coloring in the electoral map has proven to be an arduous task. Media monitoring and social media analysis may help to color in some of those states by providing a glimpse into voter sentiment and enthusiasm that polls might not capture. Take a look at a guest blog post brought...
  • Blog Post: Unraveling the Results: What Media Monitoring Reveals Post-Election 2016

    The case could certainly be made that no other presidential race in memory or potentially history has received so much media attention—and, let’s face it, felt so much like a reality TV show—as this one. Now that the election is one for the record books, let’s take a look at how...
  • Blog Post: Missed Media Opportunity: The Presidential Debates Failed to Sway Millennials

    This post was guest written by Brandon Teeple, a junior at Wright State University. The Millennial Generation, those who are born between the early 1980s and early 2000s, have recently become the largest generation in the U.S. They range anywhere from recent high school or college graduates to critical...