Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Corporate Counsel Newsletter
Corporate Counsel Newsletter
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Corporate Counsel Newsletter

A Little Truth About Fake News—and the Law | 09-08-2017

By Tom Hagy. Little has rocked the world of news publishing in recent decades more than the proliferation of fake news. It’s been blamed for everything from swaying voters in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to triggering tectonic political...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Will SEC Enforcement Change in the Wake of Supreme Court’s Limitations on Remedies? | 09-08-2017

Featuring Baker & McKenzie attorneys George M. Clarke, partner Jason Dimopoulos, associate Marc Litt, partner Jerome Tomas, partner The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) lost a bit...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Implications of WikiLeaks’ Publishing Details of CIA’s Cyber Arsenal | 09-08-2017

This is a collaborative commentary by the Ankura Consulting Cybersecurity and Geopolitical teams. The original article was published on March 21 , 2017, and was updated for the LexisNexis Corporate Law Advisory on August 2 , 2017. On March 7 , WikiLeaks...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Many Healthcare Apps Fail to Protect Privacy, HHS Held a Competition to Find Fixes | 09-08-2017

You can’t swing a stethoscope these days without hitting a mobile app that promises to improve your health and well-being. The fitness conscious can track how many steps they take a day and how many calories they burn. Some apps manage medications...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Global Risks Ranked—And Global Leaders Need to Get on Them | 09-08-2017

Income inequality and societal polarization. We’ve been hearing much about these issues lately, and anyone paying attention—or living them—has been painfully aware of their pernicious spread for years or even decades. But will...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

China’s Internet Banking Industry Exploding: Can They Have Global Success? Can U.S. Companies Have Success in China? | 05-18-2017

China is now “the undoubted center of global fintech innovation and adoption.” That’s how it was phrased in a recent Ernst & Young / DBS Bank white paper , titled The Rise of fintech in China , which says they are “revolutionizing...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Corporate Ethics: Is Ethical Conduct on Your Checklist or in Your Corporate Mindset? | 05-18-2017

In one widely reported case, employees from a branch office in the U.S. told leadership at their European HQ that the company had been lying to federal regulators and falsifying information. Rather than choosing Door #1, that is, being aghast and...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Employment Rules & Regulations in the Trump Administration | 05-18-2017

By Stefani C. Schwartz Schwartz Simon Edelstein & Celso LLC Editor’s Note: Attorneys from law firms and corporations gathered for a legal education conference in Atlantic City in April 2017, the New Jersey town where now-President Donald...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

The Future of Mandatory Arbitration Shock: Sides Square Off in Consumer Contracts and Employment Arenas | 05-18-2017

By Tom Hagy Mandatory arbitration clauses. Companies and employers love them. Consumers and employees don’t. The end. Or so some might wish. But there is much to this ubiquitous clause. There is the prickly matter of a gazillion consumer...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Alternative Fee Arrangements: The Antidote to the “‘Poisonous”’ Hourly Rate Paradigm? | 05-18-2017

This article is based on a presentation delivered at the Northeast Corporate Counsel Forum held on April 7, 2017, in Atlantic City. Mari Henry Leigh, a Chicago attorney and advisor on alternative fee arrangements, assembled and moderated the session....

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

3D Printing: The Next Disruptive Technology to Test Existing Law | 03-07-2017

Edited by: Colleen Davies, Partner, Reed Smith LLP Matthew Jacobson, Associate, Reed Smith LLP Lisa Baird, Counsel, Reed Smith LLP Farah Tabibkhoei, Associate, Reed Smith LLP Attention cyberphobics, robophobics and technophobics: You now have a...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

As Lawsuits Accumulate, Will We See Clarifying ADA Website Regulations? | 03-07-2017

Contributors: Drew Rawl, Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA Minh Vu, Seyfarth Shaw LLP There has been a “tsunami” of lawsuits against companies in which plaintiff attorneys claim websites do not accommodate people with disabilities. But are...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Self-Driving Cars Are Barreling Down the Innovation Highway | 03-07-2017

Edited by: Neil M. Sitron | Crowell & Moring, LLP Autonomous vehicles are coming fast and furious. The technology for autonomy is increasing at a rapid rate, with an ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road with varying levels of autonomous...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Mediating Your Employment Dispute, Part II: Getting to a Resolution | 03-07-2017

Contributors: Miriam F. Clark, Ritz Clark & Ben-Asher Todd H. Girshon, Jackson Lewis Dina R. Jansenson JAMS *Michael E. Kreitman, Macy’s Law, not pictured We recently assembled a panel of professionals for a LexisNexis ® webinar who...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Actual Legal Questions Now Being Asked in Virtual Worlds | 03-07-2017

Contributors: Zachary S. Heck, Faruki Ireland Julian War, Hamlins Po Yi, Venable Jessica Borowick, Venable Andrew P. MacArthur, Venable Imagine an online virtual reality version of championship boxing, and that you are one of the boxers, well, an...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

President Obama’s Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order in Critical Condition | 12-28-2016

One of President Obama’s signature measures, which was intended to improve the integrity of the government in contracting business and the workers’ environment, appears to be doomed. Hailed by labor and Democrats and derided by corporations...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

The Defend Trade Secrets Act: It May Not Standardize Things, But It Does Give Companies a New Weapon in Global IP Wars | 12-28-2016

Everyone has a secret. This is true for companies, too, which means the newly enacted Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016 (DTSA) is something that will impact just about every U.S. company. Not all legal commentators think the law will meet its standardization...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Cyberattacks Can Bring Down Factories and Stop Hearts. So Now What? | 12-28-2016

Cyberattacks are most often associated with data breaches or data theft. It’s a big deal to us when our credit card information is stolen, our social security numbers are ripped off and someone pretends to be us as they tool around the country in...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

A Robot May Not Harm Humanity, But a Poorly Trained “Rogue” Chatbot May Give You Legal or Business Headaches | 12-28-2016

Here is what one might call the “Laws of Robotics,” as stated by legendary science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction collection, titled “ I, Robot ” : 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

SEC Enforcement Activity in 2017 Will Go From Breaking Records to [Insert Your Prediction Here] | 12-28-2016

As the state-by-state predictions are made on big election nights these days, the phrase “too close to call” is a common one. The same can be said for many aspects of enforcement policy and regulation for the nation’s financial markets...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Mediating Your Employment Dispute, Part I: Preparing To Do It Right | 12-28-2016

If the most important step in a journey is the first one, you want to be sure you’re planting your foot on solid ground and not in a hole that swallows your entire leg. We recently assembled a panel of folks for a LexisNexis ® webinar...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

The Rise of Commercial Drones—Are Yours Insured? | 11-07-2016

By Kristin Casler, Featuring Vikki Stone of Poms & Associates By 2020, the U.S. is estimated to have more than 30,000 commercial drones with a total value of $80 billion. Companies involved in everything from pipeline surveying to movie making...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

The Perennial Allure of Value-Based Fee Arrangements | 11-07-2016

By Kristin Casler, featuring Mari Henry Leigh of Legal Fee Solutions, LLC Many attorneys talk about Alternative Fee Arrangements (AFAs) like they’re the odd cousins who periodically visit, unannounced and for an indefinite period of time....

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

10 Things You Might Regret Not Knowing—A Whistleblower Prep Plan | 11-07-2016

By Kristin Casler, featuring Susan Frank Divers of LRN Corp. Did you hear about the beer company that agreed in September to pay $6 million to settle Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations and charges it acted against the whistleblower who reported...

Corporate Counsel Newsletter

Caution: Read This Before Shaving Your Head—Mindfulness for Attorneys and Legal Executives | 11-07-2016

By Tom Hagy of HB Litigation Conferences It was hard not to feel weird. I was sitting silently on a folding chair with my eyes closed in the middle of 800 strangers in a Midtown Manhattan ballroom. But there I was, attending a conference on the...