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  • Economic Sanctions Trends and Keys to Compliance

    Economic Sanctions Trends and Keys to Compliance Kristin Casler Doing business overseas has always been complex. In recent years, however, companies have faced billions of dollars in penalties for violating federal regulations related to international conduct. More than ever, companies venturing...
  • Dodd-Frank’s Year One Snapshot: Clarity, Confusion and Conflict

    Dodd-Frank’s Year One Snapshot: Clarity, Confusion and Conflict The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 quickly spawned an array of regulations intended to avert another financial meltdown, activity that was followed just as quickly by a range of prickly questions...
  • Cloud Computing Raises Issues of Privilege, Billing, Ethics

    CORRECTED September 6, 2011 Cloud Computing Raises Issues of Privilege, Billing, Ethics for Attorneys With the proliferation of electronic discovery (e-discovery) in recent years and the increasing costs related to electronically stored information (ESI), many firms are turning to cloud computing...
  • Risk Managers on Creating & Maintaining Cyber Risk Policies

    Risk Managers Provide Insight Into Creation, Maintenance Of Cyber Risk Policies Insurance policies to protect companies against cyber breaches and other risks stemming from the use of the internet and social media are still a new concept to many companies. They are constantly changing as the environment...
  • News of the World: An Organization’s Ethical Culture on Trial

    News of the World Scandal Puts an Organization’s Ethical Culture on Trial When asked by a U.K. Member of Parliament whether he was ultimately responsible for the alleged misconduct of journalists at News of the World, Rupert Murdock flatly replied “no.” He said the responsible parties...
  • Legal Risk Assessment – A Necessary Practice

    Legal Risk Assessment—A Necessary Practice Traveling during Christmas week in a blinding snowstorm, Socrates, the first locomotive of Pacific Express No. 5, crossed the Ashtabula River at 7:28 P.M.. Seconds later the iron bridge collapsed, killing 98 people in the deadliest bridge failure in...
  • Cyber Security: Penalties Loom as Solutions Fall Behind

    Cyber Security: Penalties Loom as Solutions Fall Behind Cyber breach incidents are increasing at an alarming rate, affecting our personal privacy and national security. With denial of service, click fraud and cast phishing, among scores of other types of cyber attacks, the “cyber security problem...
  • The Blind Men and the Elephant: How In-House Counsel Might See Dodd-Frank Differently Part 3: The Energy Sector

    The Blind Men and the Elephant: How In-House Counsel Might See Dodd-Frank Differently Part 3: The Energy Sector This is the third in a series of articles that will explore the reach of the Dodd-Frank Act as it impacts in-house counsel. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act...
  • AAA Ratings Reliance — Too Much of a Good Thing?

    AAA Ratings Reliance—Too Much of a Good Thing? For almost 10 years, between 1997 and 2006, American homes appreciated 124 percent, according to the S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Index. By 2008, the boom years ended abruptly as the U.S. housing prices declined by over 20 percent. In the fourth...
  • Companies Cannot Ignore Power and Impact of Whistleblowers

    Companies Cannot Ignore Power and Impact of Whistle-blowers With each new statute targeting government fraud comes more power for whistle-blowers and more anxiety for corporate America. During an April LexisNexis® Webinar, “Whistle-blowers: Friend or Foe to Industry, Litigation & Society...
  • The Blind Men and the Elephant: How In-House Counsel Might See Dodd-Frank Differently—Part 2

    The Blind Men and the Elephant: How In-House Counsel Might See Dodd-Frank Differently—Part 2 Note: This is the second in a series of articles that will explore the reach of the Dodd-Frank Act as it impacts in-house counsel. We have observed that the size and scope of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street...
  • Will Latest MSP Reform Bill Finally Bring Improvements?

    Will Latest MSP Reform Bill—he SMART Act—Finally Bring Improvements? Legislation introduced in March 2011 by U.S. Representatives Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Ronald Kind (D-WI) has companies, attorneys and beneficiaries impacted by the Medicare Secondary Payer Statute hopeful for effective revisions...
  • Different In-House Counsel Will See Dodd-Frank Differently

    The Blind Men and the Elephant: How In-House Counsel Might See Dodd-Frank Differently — Part 1 [Note: This is the first in a series of articles that will explore the reach of the Dodd-Frank Act as it impacts in-house counsel.] In the old story, a group of men, each blind from birth, approach...
  • Cyber experts from Internet security firms, insurers and law firms agree:

    Busy GCs Should Make Time for Cyber Compliance Cyber experts from internet security firms, insurers and law firms agree: In a world of fast-paced, ever-changing threats to private information, general counsels need to ensure their clients protect themselves from cyber risks and prepare for the complex...
  • Are Bribery and Corruption Adding Fuel to Deregulation’s Demise?

    Are Bribery and Corruption Adding Fuel to Deregulation’s Demise? During the early 2000s, in the post-Enron, post-Sarbanes-Oxley era, regulation of financial services was the popular mandate. According to Josh Greenbaum , principal at Enterprise Application Consulting, “It is not just about...