Home – Save time on compliance with the New LexisNexis® Legislative and Regulatory Alerts & Summaries

Save time on compliance with the New LexisNexis® Legislative and Regulatory Alerts & Summaries

Select a topic and get one alert that covers pending state and federal changes and even provides law summaries. New LexisNexis Legislative and Regulatory Alerts & Summaries gives you peace of mind.


(See graphics in PDF; also view the Webinar)


Staying in compliance with laws and regulations can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially in the face of today’s unprecedented complexity, volume and cost.


Approximately 23,000 regulatory measures are proposed annually in the United States across a range of industries.1


 An average of 20 agencies and sub-agencies per state set forth rules, guidelines and agency-sponsored legislation in state-regulated industries.


Federally regulated industries are subject to many rules set forth by agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as regulators in each country in which they operate.


Fines for non-compliance are steadily increasing in volume and dollar value, easily reaching into the millions for some companies.

 How can you reduce the time and work needed to monitor, analyze and stay in compliance?  Stay in the know, anticipate change and save time?


Now a comprehensive, convenient and automated resource is available to help you monitor and assess new and changing laws and regulations. With LexisNexis® Legislative and Regulatory Alerts & Summaries, you receive timely notification of the updates most relevant to you—plus on-the-spot summaries for insight whenever you need it. 

  • Quickly and confidently assess the impact of new changes on your business. 

  • Mitigate risk by quickly getting a clear picture of the latest changes. 

  • Stop worrying about missing an important regulation, new law or update. 

  • Eliminate the manual work of searching a variety of websites and the “noise” that emerges when sifting through volumes of information. 

  • Daily, weekly or monthly alerts 

 You no longer need to check multiple agencies and governing bodies for new and updated laws and regulations. Receive timely, relevant alerts sent directly to your email inbox. And there’s no need to wade through information outside your area of focus or proposals that “might” pass. You can select specific criteria in just a few clicks. 


Choose the status you want to include: 


Legislative Alerts:

  • Passed house of origin
  • Passed both houses, to governor
  • Enacted in the current session
  • All actions


Regulatory Alerts:

  • Proposed
  • Adopted
  • All actions


States and topics:


For state and federal developments, you can select broad or narrow topics pertaining to areas of focus such as insurance, financial services, employment, health care insurance & reform, and pharmaceuticals and medical devices.


In-depth, plain-English summaries of enacted laws and adopted regulations

Why spend hours tracking down regulations or reading the full text of laws that may not be relevant? Whether you are monitoring changes, communicating with regulatory bodies, reporting to executive management or updating policies, you can quickly determine whether action is needed by viewing LexisNexis Legislative and Regulatory Summaries—written by compliance professionals and available for you to view on the spot.