Home – Fred Loya Insurance Achieves 17% Cost Savings by Implementing LexisNexis® CounselLink® Matter Management Solution

Fred Loya Insurance Achieves 17% Cost Savings by Implementing LexisNexis® CounselLink® Matter Management Solution

Fred Loya Insurance Achieves 17% Cost Savings by Implementing LexisNexis® CounselLink® Matter Management Solution

Fred Loya Insurance, based in El Paso, Texas, had experienced steady growth over the years, which required them to identify a matter management solution that would automate the way the company interacted with its outside law firms. After an extensive search, the company chose the CounselLink® solution in 2006 as a one-stop matter management and e-billing system to help the claims team better manage the litigation portfolio.

According to Edgar Meza, vice president of claims, “In looking back over the past five years, LexisNexis CounselLink has been the technology backbone behind our successful transition from a growing company with an informal approach to managing cases into an established insurance carrier with a state-of-the art matter management information system. In addition to the crucial productivity and efficiency benefits we've realized, we have achieved 17% cost savings in our legal departments litigation spending since implementing CounselLink."

Along with the “crucial productivity and efficiency benefits,” Fred Loya Insurance has realized specific benefits, including: the capability to track all matters throughout their lifecycle, the ability to analyze law firm performance, easy access to insightful reports that keep everyone accountable,and delivery of excellent customer support beyond the initial deployment.

For more information on Fred Loya’s experience with CounselLink, please read the full case study.

And, to learn more about CounselLink, please visit our web-site at www.counsellink.com.