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Are YOU In the Know?

The LexisNexis “First to Know Webinar Series” gives you a sneak peek at the latest solutions and product enhancements in the corporate legal market. Did you miss our Webinars on Expert Profile Suites and the latest features of TotalPatent®? Have no fear! We have recordings of both Webinars, ready for you to watch and learn more about these two products.

An expert witness can make or break your case. Engage the best possible expert and strengthen your case. Challenge the opposing expert’s credibility or testimony successfully and you can severely limit your opponent’s options.

Click here to watch this 20-minute Webinar today and find out just how easy it can be to uncover comprehensive expert witness intelligence with LexisNexis® Expert Profile Suites.

LexisNexis Expert Profile Suites can help you map out your expert witness strategy. Research results are aggregated automatically into one, easy-to-scan report of graphics and analyses that uncover the important trends and warning flags in an expert’s track record—cumulative insights that conversations with colleagues can’t reveal. Each profile draws its intelligence from the largest, most comprehensive collection of expert witness information available. In this free Webinar, you will learn how you can:

  • Research any expert and trust the information you find
  • Reveal connections impossible to detect in a stack of search results
  • Retrieve published articles, article mentions, patents and news coverage from the vast LexisNexis® collection of 20,000 local, regional, national and international news sources
  • Point, click—and get the information you need to see

Interested in learning more? Click here to have a LexisNexis representative contact you with more information on Expert Profile Suites.

You need access to relevant patent information in order to help manage and protect your existing patents as well as to develop and advance the next innovation. But patent research in a global economy can take all kinds of unexpected twists and turns. Challenges can include language barriers, vague or obscure terminology, and getting to the claims that are only found in the full text of a patent. LexisNexis® TotalPatent® addresses all three challenges.

Click here to see a demonstration of the newest TotalPatent feature scheduled for release in late March. You can leverage this new feature to help you compare and analyze results of your semantic and Boolean patent search results.

In this Webinar you will learn:

  • What semantic searching is, how it overcomes vague terminology and why it is important
  • How the feature compares your semantic and Boolean search results, and why TotalPatent users suggested we develop it
  • Best practices for analyzing results