Home – Is your discovery management process paying for itself?

Is your discovery management process paying for itself?

Processing discovery in-house can save, but is it worth the time, start-up cost and risk?

As volumes of corporate data continue, the challenge of managing and processing it continues as well. Processing in-house can save, but is it worth the time, start up cost and risk?

FRCP rules mandate that companies need to know about the information contained within their electronic documents or face the consequences. Any business that can be impacted by a civil lawsuit now must develop and document corporate processes for electronic record discovery and legal hold management. Once discovery starts, companies must be able to provide an audit trail of what documents were involved in discovery, how those documents were handled (processed and reviewed) and be able to prove the documents were unaltered during the process.

Have you considered bringing this process in-house? We have a solution and to prove it, you can try LAW PreDiscovery™ risk-free for 30-days.*

When your inside team uses LAW PreDiscovery software, you can reduce litigation costs and gain greater control. LAW PreDiscovery helps you save by reducing costs and by eliminating data that is non-responsive. On average, LAW PreDiscovery pays for itself within two months.

If you still aren’t convinced, here are more benefits:

  1. Total processing solution:  Conduct all of your processing in-house without outsourcing. You will have total control over processing as well as control of when and how fast the processing is done.
  2. Gain greater control and cut costs: By bringing just a portion of e-discovery in house vs. using outside vendors you will have greater control over this process and have the potential to save money doing so.
  3. Versatile: LAW PreDiscovery is a flexible, versatile and scalable solution allowing you the ability to purchase in bundles or modules to suit your needs.

Think you aren’t staffed to do this? By using the “Pre-Discovery” process, you can reduce the amount of files that need to be processed and allowing you to begin the review process sooner. The processing of one full DVD costs approximately $5,000 - $6,000 to produce externally, but with LAW PreDiscovery the average cost of the software is just a little more than the cost to process one DVD. With LAW PreDiscovery, you can actually save money to pay for your software, hardware and hire additional staff, if needed, to support your company’s e-Discovery needs.

LAW PreDiscovery is solely focused on paper and electronic processing. It is also compatible with virtually any litigation management software on the market.

You can benefit greatly by bringing your discovery processing in-house. Even if you have another management system, try LAW PreDiscovery and see what power this product holds.

Download a free trial of LAW PreDiscovery* software today.

Contact a LexisNexis® representative for more information.

*Some restrictions may apply. Software is a full version available for 30-day trial use from date of download.