About preliminary planning

Preliminary planning for implementing any software application is important for achieving the best set-up results, the first time. We recommend that you take some time to review and plan how your organization will be using TextMap, especially if you are also installing the CaseMap Server and the CaseMap Admin Console. Planning ahead helps ensure that administrative tasks are minimized for initial setup and your long-term maintenance of the application and its companion products.


hmtoggle_plus1Plan before you install TextMap

Before installing TextMap and the CaseMap Server, the CaseMap Admin Console, we recommend you review the following checklist to ensure you have not missed any steps in planning details.


Best Practices: Preliminary Planning

System Requirements / Licensing

Review system requirements and licensing options

Network Directory Setup

Ensure TextMap users have full network access to case file directory folders where local cases are stored, or have SQL cases assigned to them in the CaseMap Admin Console

* TextMap does not support/encourage VPN access to network files, which can cause user access issues unless it is installed on CITRIX. Remote users need a replica copy of the case file installed on their hard drive.

Have preset directory folders for each client/matter

Server Setup and Security

Implement server firewalls

Set up TextMap security in TextMap and the CaseMap Admin Console using Windows or simple authentication

*We recommend that you use Windows authentication for SQL cases

Enable security and require logons for all TextMap cases

Implement password policies

Use private IP via VPN access

Receiving Data

Have a data collection and processing plan in place

Verify that file formats are recognized in TextMap

Have a directory location with subdirectories in a structure that prepares you for optimal organization of the various case files, video source files, reports, and backups for each

Managing Clients/Users

Inform users of training options, immediately

Identify any remote staff that may need access to case files on your network or require replicas of case files

Create emails for users that include their logon information and pertinent case or software instructions to get them started

Roles and Responsibilities

Ensure users understand the case file design and know how they will specifically use TextMap for transcript review

Ensure users understand timelines and processes required for managing TextMap case files

Clearly define roles and responsibilities among case and IT staff, etc.

Implement policies for who can and cannot create/modify case file databases, add/delete users/roles, or conduct other sensitive tasks


Know what types of reports will be generated by users and how to print them


Apply security to the network directory folders that contain case files, transcripts, videos, etc., to prevent others from viewing privileged content

Apply read-only rights to user roles, as appropriate

Ongoing Maintenance/Management

Have a dedicated admin machine for the sole purpose of managing TextMap case files on the CaseMap Server

Schedule maintenance windows to ensure that all users are out of case files

Have a quality control plan in place for administrative tasks like importing/exporting data and synchronizing case files

Migrating Case Files

Have a migration path for importing case files from previous TextMap versions

You should only migrate a case file to a CaseMap Server once

* If you experience an issue during the import, you can try migrating the case file again.

Each SQL case requires its own SQL database

*For more information, refer to the CaseMap Server documentation.

Backup/Data Recovery

Have a backup schedule in place

Always back up .txmap local case files

Always back up .MDF & .LDF for SQL files

Always back up SQL case databases

Ensure your internal guidelines are in place for backup and data retrieval

Implement archiving and data destruction policies

Updating Considerations

A best practice is to always have the most recent version of TextMap and the CaseMap Server/CaseMap Admin Console installed

Ensure that you can update all users accessing a specific case at the same time

Quality Control

Have well-defined checklists/procedures in centrally available location

Ensure that hand-off processes are well-defined


hmtoggle_plus1Determine a clear migration path for SQL cases

If you are using CaseMap Server, a migration path for importing cases from previous TextMap versions is essential. You should only migrate a case to a CaseMap Server case once. If you experience an issue during the import, you can try migrating the case again. Each SQL case requires its own SQL database.

For more information, refer to the CaseMap Server documentation.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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