Filtering transcripts

Filtering transcripts allows you to quickly locate a transcript and load it for display. A minimum of 30 transcripts must be imported into the case before the Filter Transcripts by Name box displays in the Transcripts pane. You can modify or disable this setting.

TextMap will automatically save any transcript filter you have. If you close a case, TextMap will display transcripts with the last filter applied.


hmtoggle_plus1To filter transcripts by name
1.In the Transcripts pane, in the Filter Transcripts by Name box, type in the name of the transcript you want as a filter for your search.

Transcripts pane with Filter Transcripts by Name  box

The Transcripts pane now only displays the filtered transcript.

Transcripts pane with applied transcript filter

The transcript now displays in the Transcript window, and any annotations now display in the Annotations pane.

hmtoggle_plus1To clear the transcript filter

You can clear the transcript filter four ways:

Click the Clear button XM_clear_transcripts_filter next to the Filter Transcripts by Name box.
Select text in the Filter Transcript by Name box and then press the Delete key.
On the View menu, click Show All Transcripts.
Press the Esc key.
hmtoggle_plus1To modify or disable the transcript filter setting
1.On the Tools menu, click Options.
2.In the Options dialog box, click on the Transcripts tab.

Options > Transcripts tab

3.In the Transcripts List Options area, click the up/down arrows in the number list to set it to the minimum number of transcripts you want in a case before the Filter Transcripts by Name box displays.

The default setting is for the filter box to display after 30 transcripts are imported into a case. You can adjust this setting by depending on the number of case transcripts in your case.

4.Clear the Show filter box for 30 or more transcripts if you want to disable the Filter Transcripts by Name box from displaying in the Transcripts pane.
5.Click OK to save your settings.


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