Viewing/navigating search results

After a full-text search is run, results display in the Search pane in the Full Text Search tab. Search hits for transcripts text, annotations, and exhibits display by transcript. Annotation hits have a yellow comment icon to you help distinguish between transcript text and annotations hits.


Search pane > Full Text Search tab > search results


The first transcript text hit in your search results is highlighted in black and displays in the main Transcript window (center pane).


Search hit highlighted in transcript text


If annotations are included in the search (shown in the screen shot below), then the first annotation is displayed in the Transcript window for the first transcript in your search results. The annotation is also highlighted in the Annotations pane (top, above the transcript).


Viewing search results


In the Full Text Search tab, you can navigate search hits by:

Clicking on the transcript text page/line number (e.g., 20:15 testimony) in the Full Text Search tab to jump directly to the search term within the applicable transcript.
Clicking on an annotation page/line number (e.g., 10:10 example) to jump directly to the annotated text within the applicable transcript.
Clicking on an exhibit (e.g., Exhibit 1 (1) example) to view the exhibit in the file viewer window.


On the Standard toolbar, you can also use the Go to Prior Hit and Go to Next Hit buttons XM_search_button to navigate transcript text and annotation hits. You can also find these features on the Search menu or use corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

Go to First Hit — Click Ctrl+F4 to navigate to the first search hit.
Go to Prior Hit — Click or press F4 to navigate to a prior search hit.
Go to Next Hit — Click or press F5 to navigate to the next search hit.
Go to Last Hit — Click Ctrl+F5 to navigate to the last search hit.




Search results can be printed in a Search Report. The Search Report option, available on the Search menu, opens the Search Report Wizard which can be used to create a report of the current search results. See Printing a Search report.


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